Verbs in Georgian

Verbs are a key part of any language. The Georgian verbs list below will help you learn common Georgian verbs in no time. Together with other basic nouns and adjectives, this will quickly allow you to express basic things in Georgian. For even more Georgian verbs, take a look at our learning resources for Georgian at the end of the page.
Basic Georgian Verbs
Georgian Action Words
Movements in Georgian
Georgian Business Verbs

Basic Georgian Verbs

to open in Georgianგაღება (gagheba / აღებს - aghebs)
to close in Georgianდახურვა (dakhurva / ხურავს - khuravs)
to sit in Georgianჯდომა (jdoma / ზის - zis)
to stand in Georgianდგომა (dgoma / დგას - dgas)
to know in Georgianცოდნა (tsodna / იცის - itsis)
to think in Georgianფიქრი (pikri / ფიქრობს - pikrobs)
to win in Georgianგამარჯვება (gamarjveba / იმარჯვებს - imarjvebs)
to lose in Georgianწაგება (ts’ageba / აგებს - agebs)
to ask in Georgianკითხვა (k’itkhva / კითხულობს - k’itkhulobs)
to answer in Georgianპასუხის გაცემა (p’asukhis gatsema / პასუხს სცემს - p’asukhs stsems)
to help in Georgianდახმარება (dakhmareba / ეხმარება - ekhmareba)
to like in Georgianმოწონება (mots’oneba / მოსწონს - mosts’ons)
to kiss in Georgianკოცნა (k’otsna / კოცნის - k’otsnis)
to eat in Georgianჭამა (ch’ama / ჭამს - ch’ams)
to drink in Georgianსმა (sma / სვამს - svams)

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Georgian Action Words

to take in Georgianაღება (agheba / იღებს - ighebs)
to put in Georgianდადება (dadeba / დებს - debs)
to find in Georgianპოვნა (p’ovna / პოულობს - p’oulobs)
to steal in Georgianმოპარვა (mop’arva / იპარავს - ip’aravs)
to kill in Georgianმოკვლა (mok’vla / კლავს - k’lavs)
to fly in Georgianფრენა (prena / დაფრინავს - daprinavs)
to attack in Georgianშეტევა (shet’eva / უტევს - ut’evs)
to defend in Georgianდაცვა (datsva / იცავს - itsavs)
to fall in Georgianდაცემა (datsema / ეცემა - etsema)
to choose in Georgianარჩევა (archeva / არჩევს - archevs)
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Movements in Georgian

to run in Georgianსირბილი (sirbili / დარბის - darbis)
to swim in Georgianცურვა (tsurva / ცურავს - tsuravs)
to jump in Georgianხტომა (kht’oma / ხტის - kht’is)
to pull in Georgianგამოწევა (gamots’eva / იწევა - its’eva)
to push in Georgianმიწოლა (mits’ola / აწვება - ats’veba)
to throw in Georgianსროლა (srola / ისვრის - isvris)
to crawl in Georgianხოხვა (khokhva / ხოხავს - khokhavs)
to fight in Georgianბრძოლა (brdzola / იბრძვის - ibrdzvis)
to catch in Georgianდაჭერა (dach’era / იჭერს - ich’ers)
to roll in Georgianბრუნვა (brunva / ბრუნავს - brunavs)

Georgian Business Verbs

to buy in Georgianყიდვა (q’idva / ყიდულობს - q’idulobs)
to pay in Georgianგადახდა (gadakhda / იხდის - ikhdis)
to sell in Georgianგაყიდვა (gaq’idva / ყიდის - q’idis)
to study in Georgianსწავლა (sts’avla / სწავლობს - sts’avlobs)
to call in Georgianდარეკვა (darek’va / რეკავს - rek’avs)
to read in Georgianკითხვა (k’itkhva / კითხულობს - k’itkhulobs)
to write in Georgianწერა (ts’era / წერს - ts’ers)
to calculate in Georgianგამოთვლა (gamotvla / ითვლის - itvlis)
to measure in Georgianგაზომვა (gazomva / ზომავს - zomavs)
to earn in Georgianშოვნა (shovna / შოულობს - shoulobs)
to count in Georgianდათვლა (datvla / ითვლის - itvlis)
to scan in Georgianსკანირება (sk’anireba / ასკანირებს - ask’anirebs)
to print in Georgianდაბეჭდვა (dabech’dva / ბეჭდავს - bech’davs)

Verbs in Georgian

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Georgian Vocabulary Books

Learn Georgian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Georgian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Georgian word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Georgian words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Georgian Vocabulary Book

Georgian Vocabulary Book

This Georgian vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Georgian Flashcards


Georgian Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Georgian flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Georgian Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Georgian flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

Free Learning Resources