HSK 2 Vocabulary List [HSK 3.0]

Below you can find a list of all HSK 2 vocabularies for HSK 3.0 which was launched in 2021


啊 (a) Particle: showing approval
爱情 (ài qíng) Noun: love
爱人 (ài rén) Noun: spouse
安静 (ān jìng) Adjective: quiet, peaceful
安全 (ān quán) Noun: safety
Adjective: safe, secure


白色 (bái sè) Adjective: white
办 (bàn) Verb: to do
办法 (bàn fǎ) Noun: method, way, means
办公室 (bàn gōng shì) Noun: office, bureau
半夜 (bàn yè) Time: in the middle of the night
班长 (bān zhǎng) Noun: class monitor
帮助 (bāng zhù) Noun: assistance, help
Verb: to help, to assist
饱 (bǎo) Adjective: full (from eating)
报名 (bào míng) Verb: to sign up, to register
报纸 (bào zhǐ) Noun: newspaper
背 (bèi) Verb: to learn by heart
北方 (běi fāng) Location: north, northern part of a country
笔 (bǐ) Noun: pen
笔记 (bǐ jì) Noun: note
笔记本 (bǐ jì běn) Noun: notebook
比如 (bǐ rú) Adverb: for example
比如说 (bǐ rú shuō) Adverb: for example
必须 (bì xū) Auxiliary Verb: to have to, must
边 (biān) Noun: side, edge, border, boundary
变 (biàn) Verb: to change
遍 (biàn) Adverb: all over
Measure Word: for a time
变成 (biàn chéng) Verb: to change into, to become
表 (biǎo) Noun: wrist or pocket watch
不错 (bú cuò) Adjective: correct, pretty good
不但 (bú dàn) Conjunction: not only
部分 (bù fen) Noun: part, section
不够 (bú gòu) Adjective: not enough
不过 (bú guò) Adverb: only, just, no more than
Conjunction: but, however
不好意思 (bù hǎo yì si) Verb: to feel embarrassed
Expression: excuse me, sorry
不久 (bù jiǔ) Adverb: not long after, soon after
不满 (bù mǎn) Adjective: dissatisfied
不如 (bù rú) Verb: not as good as
不少 (bù shǎo) Adverb: many, quite a lot
不太 (bú tài) Adverb: not too
不同 (bù tóng) Adjective: different, distinct
不行 (bù xíng) Adjective: not possible, not ok
不要 (bú yào) Verb: to not want sth.
不一定 (bù yí dìng) Adverb: not necessarily
不一会儿 (bù yī huì er) Adverb: soon, not long until

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才 (cái) Adverb: just, only if
菜单 (cài dān) Noun: menu
参观 (cān guān) Verb: to visit, to look around
参加 (cān jiā) Verb: to attend, to take part, to join
草 (cǎo) Noun: grass, straw
草地 (cǎo dì) Noun: lawn, meadow
层 (céng) Noun: layer, floor
Measure Word: for layer, story, floor
查 (chá) Verb: to check, to look up, to examine
差不多 (chà bu duō) Adjective: almost, more or less
长 (cháng) Noun: length
Adjective: long
场 (chǎng) Noun: field, place
Measure Word: for events, happenings, etc.
常见 (cháng jiàn) Adverb: common
常用 (cháng yòng) Adjective: commonly used
超过 (chāo guò) Verb: to surpass, to exceed
超市 (chāo shì) Noun: supermarket
车辆 (chē liàng) Noun: vehicle
称 (chēng) Verb: to weigh
成 (chéng) Verb: to succeed, to accomplish, to become
成绩 (chéng jì) Noun: score, achievement, grades
成为 (chéng wéi) Verb: to become, to turn into
重复 (chóng fù) Verb: to repeat, to duplicate
重新 (chóng xīn) Adverb: again
出发 (chū fā) Verb: to leave, to set out
出国 (chū guó) Verb: to go abroad
出口 (chū kǒu) Noun: exit, export
出门 (chū mén) Verb: to go out, to leave home for a journey
出生 (chū shēng) Verb: to be born
出现 (chū xiàn) Verb: to appear, to arise
出院 (chū yuàn) Verb: to leave hospital
出租 (chū zū) Verb: to rent out
出租车 (chū zū chē) Noun: taxi
船 (chuán) Noun: boat, ship
吹 (chuī) Verb: to blow, to boast, to fail
春节 (chūn jié) Noun: Spring Festival
春天 (chūn tiān) Noun: spring
词 (cí) Noun: word
词典 (cí diǎn) Noun: dictionary
词语 (cí yǔ) Noun: word, expression
从小 (cóng xiǎo) Adverb: from childhood on

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大部分 (dà bù fen) Adverb: in large part
大大 (dà dà) Noun: dad, uncle
Adjective: enormous
大多数 (dà duō shù) Noun: great majority
打工 (dǎ gōng) Noun: a part time job
Verb: to work (temporary or casual)
大海 (dà hǎi) Noun: sea, ocean
大家 (dà jiā) Pronoun: everybody, all
大量 (dà liàng) Adjective: large quantity, numerous
大门 (dà mén) Noun: entrance, door
大人 (dà ren) Noun: adult
大声 (dà shēng) Adjective: loud
打算 (dǎ suàn) Noun: plan, intention
Verb: to plan, to think of, to calculate
大小 (dà xiǎo) Noun: size
大衣 (dà yī) Noun: coat
打印 (dǎ yìn) Verb: to print, to seal, to stamp
答应 (dā ying) Verb: to agree, to promise, to respond
大自然 (dǎ zì rán) Noun: nature
带 (dài) Noun: band, belt, area, region
Verb: to wear, to carry, to bring, to lead
带来 (dài lái) Verb: to bring about, to produce
但 (dàn) Conjunction: but
蛋 (dàn) Noun: egg
但是 (dàn shì) Conjunction: but, however
单位 (dān wèi) Noun: unit
当 (dāng) Verb: to act as, to administer
Auxiliary Verb: should, ought
Adjective: equal
Conjunction: when, during
当时 (dāng shí) Time: at that time, then
倒 (dào) Verb: to pour, to reverse
Adverb: on the contrary, instead
倒 (dǎo) Verb: to change (bus, train),
道 (dào) Noun: street, road
Verb: to say
Measure Word: for road, river, task, etc.
到处 (dào chù) Adverb: everywhere, at all places
道理 (dào lǐ) Noun: principle, reason, argument
道路 (dào lù) Noun: street
得 (de) Particle: used to link verb with adjective
得 (dé) Verb: to obtain, to gain, to allow
得出 (dé chū) Verb: to obtain, to arrive at
的话 (de huà) Conjunction: if
灯 (dēng) Noun: lamp, light
等 (děng) Particle: etc., and so on
等到 (děng dào) Verb: to wait until
等于 (děng yú) Verb: to equal, to amount to
低 (dī) Adjective: low
地球 (dì qiú) Noun: earth (planet)
地铁 (dì tiě) Noun: subway
地铁站 (dì tiě zhàn) Noun: subway station
店 (diàn) Noun: store
点头 (diǎn tóu) Verb: to nod
掉 (diào) Verb: to fall, to drop, to lose, to turn
懂 (dǒng) Verb: to understand, to know
东北 (dōng běi) Location: northeast
懂得 (dǒng de) Verb: to understand, to comprehend
东方 (dōng fāng) Location: east
东南 (dōng nán) Location: southeast
冬天 (dōng tiān) Noun: winter
动物 (dòng wù) Noun: animal
动物园 (dòng wù yuán) Noun: zoo
度 (dù) Noun: degree
Verb: to spend (time)
Measure Word: for temperature
读音 (dú yīn) Noun: pronunciation
短 (duǎn) Adjective: short, brief
段 (duàn) Measure Word: for paragraphs, segments, periods, stories
短信 (duǎn xìn) Noun: text message
队 (duì) Noun: team
对 (duì) Verb: to oppose, to face, to answer, to reply, to direct towards
Relative Clause: for, to, towards
对话 (duì huà) Noun: dialog
对面 (duì miàn) Location: opposite
队长 (duì zhǎng) Noun: team leader, group leader, captain
多 (duō) Adverb: more
多久 (duō jiǔ) Adverb: how long
多么 (duō me) Adverb: how, what
多数 (duō shù) Adverb: most
多云 (duō yún) Adjective: cloudy


而且 (ér qiě) Conjunction: moreover, in addition, furthermore


发 (fā) Verb: to send out, to issue, to develop
Measure Word: for gunshots
发现 (fā xiàn) Verb: to discover, to find
饭馆 (fàn guǎn) Noun: restaurant
方便 (fāng biàn) Adjective: convenient
方便面 (fāng biàn miàn) Noun: instant noodles
方法 (fāng fǎ) Noun: method, way
方面 (fāng miàn) Noun: aspect, respect
放下 (fàng xia) Verb: to put down, to set aside
方向 (fāng xiàng) Noun: direction, orientation
放心 (fàng xīn) Verb: to rest, to be at ease
分 (fēn) Verb: to divide, to separate, to distribute, to allocate, to distinguish
份 (fèn) Noun: part, share, portion, copy
Measure Word: for newspaper, papers, reports, contracts
分开 (fēn kāi) Verb: to separate, to part
分数 (fēn shù) Noun: fraction, point, score, grade
分钟 (fēn zhōng) Noun: minute
封 (fēng) Measure Word: for sealed objects, letters
服务 (fú wù) Noun: service
复习 (fù xí) Noun: revision
Verb: to revise


该 (gāi) Auxiliary Verb: should, ought to
改 (gǎi) Verb: to change
改变 (gǎi biàn) Verb: to change
干杯 (gān bēi) Expression: cheers!
感到 (gǎn dào) Verb: to feel, to sense
感动 (gǎn dòng) Verb: to move sbd., to be moved
干活儿 (gàn huó er) Verb: to work (often hard, manual work)
感觉 (gǎn jué) Noun: feeling, sense
Verb: to feel
感谢 (gǎn xiè) Noun: gratitude
Verb: to thank, to be grateful
刚 (gāng) Adverb: just, barely
刚才 (gāng cái) Time: just a moment ago
刚刚 (gāng gāng) Adverb: just now, a moment ago
高级 (gāo jí) Adjective: high level, high grade, advanced
高中 (gāo zhōng) Noun: high school
个子 (gè zi) Noun: height, stature
更 (gèng) Adverb: even more
公共汽车 (gōng gòng qì chē) Noun: bus
公交车 (gōng jiāo chē) Noun: bus
公斤 (gōng jīn) Noun: kilogram
Measure Word: kg
公里 (gōng lǐ) Noun: kilometre
Measure Word: for km
公路 (gōng lù) Noun: highway, road
公平 (gōng píng) Adjective: fair, impartial
公司 (gōng sī) Noun: company
公园 (gōng yuán) Noun: park
狗 (gǒu) Noun: dog
够 (gòu) Verb: to reach, to be enough
Adjective: be enough
Adverb: enough
顾客 (gù kè) Noun: client, customer
故事 (gù shi) Noun: story, tale
故意 (gù yì) Adverb: on purpose, deliberately
观点 (guān diǎn) Noun: point of view, viewpoint, standpoint
关机 (guān jī) Verb: to turn (a machine or device) off
关心 (guān xīn) Noun: concern
Verb: to care for
广场 (guǎng chǎng) Noun: public square
广告 (guǎng gào) Noun: advertisement
Verb: to advertise
过 (guò) Verb: to pass, to cross, to spend time
国际 (guó jì) Adjective: international
过来 (guò lai) Verb: to come over
过年 (guò nián) Verb: to celebrate the Chinese New Year
过去 (guò qù) Verb: to go over, to pass by
Adverb: past, former


海 (hǎi) Noun: sea
海边 (hǎi biān) Noun: seaside, beach
喊 (hǎn) Verb: to shout, to yell
好 (hǎo) Adverb: very
好处 (hǎo chu) Noun: benefit, advantage
好多 (hǎo duō) Adjective: a lot of
好久 (hǎo jiǔ) Time: quite a while
好人 (hǎo rén) Noun: a good person
好事 (hǎo shì) Noun: good action, happy occasion
好像 (hǎo xiàng) Verb: to seem, to be like, to look like
河 (hé) Noun: river
合适 (hé shì) Adjective: suitable, appropriate
黑 (hēi) Adjective: black, dark
黑板 (hēi bǎn) Noun: blackboard
黑色 (hēi sè) Adjective: black
红 (hóng) Noun: dividend
Adjective: red, popular, revolutionary
红色 (hóng sè) Adjective: red
后来 (hòu lái) Adverb: afterwards, later
湖 (hú) Noun: lake
忽然 (hū rán) Adverb: suddenly
护照 (hù zhào) Noun: passport
花 (huā) Verb: to spend
画 (huà) Noun: picture, painting
Verb: to draw, to paint
画儿 (huà er) Noun: picture, drawing, painting
画家 (huà jiā) Noun: painter
花园 (huā yuán) Noun: garden
坏处 (huài chu) Noun: disadvantage
坏人 (huài rén) Noun: an evil person
换 (huàn) Verb: to change, to exchange
欢迎 (huān yíng) Expression: welcome!
黄 (huáng) Verb: to fall through
Adjective: yellow, pornographic
黄色 (huáng sè) Adjective: yellow
回 (huí) Measure Word: for events of action
会 (huì) Noun: meeting, conference
回国 (huí guó) Verb: go back to one's home country
或 (huò) Conjunction: or
Adverb: maybe
活动 (huó dòng) Noun: activity
Verb: to move about
Adjective: active
或者 (huò zhě) Conjunction: or, possibly


鸡 (jī) Noun: chicken
级 (jí) Measure Word: step, level, class
急 (jí) Adjective: urgent, pressing
计划 (jì huà) Noun: plan, project, program
Verb: to plan
机会 (jī huì) Noun: opportunity, chance
计算机 (jì suàn jī) Noun: calculator
加 (jiā) Verb: to add
家 (jiā) Noun: expert (is added to other fields to make it a person)
假 (jiǎ) Adjective: fake, false
假期 (jià qī) Noun: holiday, vacation
家庭 (jiā tíng) Noun: family, household
加油 (jiā yóu) Verb: to cheer, to add fuel
家长 (jiā zhǎng) Noun: parents, head of a household
件 (jiàn) Measure Word: for events, things, clothes, etc.
检查 (jiǎn chá) Noun: inspection
Verb: to check, to inspect, to examine
见到 (jiàn dào) Verb: to see, to meet
见过 (jiàn guò) Verb: to look at
健康 (jiàn kāng) Noun: health
Adjective: healthy
讲 (jiǎng) Noun: speech, lecture
Verb: to speak, to explain, to negotiate
讲话 (jiǎng huà) Verb: to talk
交 (jiāo) Verb: to hand over, to intersect, to associate with
角 (jiǎo) Noun: angle, corner, horn
Measure Word: for 0.1 yuan
脚 (jiǎo) Noun: foot
角度 (jiǎo dù) Noun: angle, point of view
交给 (jiāo gěi) Verb: to hand over, to give
交朋友 (jiāo péng yǒu) Verb: to make friends
教师 (jiào shī) Noun: teacher
教室 (jiào shì) Noun: classroom
交通 (jiāo tōng) Noun: traffic
教学 (jiào xué) Noun: teaching
Verb: to teach
教育 (jiào yù) Noun: education
Verb: to teach
饺子 (jiǎo zi) Noun: dumpling
叫作 (jiào zuò) Verb: to call, to be called
接 (jiē) Verb: to receive, to meet, to connect, to catch
街 (jiē) Noun: street
节 (jié) Noun: festival, holiday, segment, joint, part
Measure Word: for segments
借 (jiè) Verb: to lend, to borrow, to make use of (an opportunity)
接到 (jiē dào) Verb: to receive
结果 (jié guǒ) Noun: result, outcome
节目 (jié mù) Noun: program, item
节日 (jié rì) Noun: holiday, festival
接受 (jiē shòu) Verb: to accept, to receive
接下来 (jiē xià lái) Adverb: next, following
接着 (jiē zhe) Verb: to follow, to carry on
Adverb: then, after that
斤 (jīn) Noun: pound, 0.5 kg
近 (jìn) Adjective: near, close
今后 (jīn hòu) Adverb: hereafter, from now on
进入 (jìn rù) Verb: to enter, to go into
进行 (jìn xíng) Verb: to be in progress, to be underway
经常 (jīng cháng) Adverb: often, frequently
经过 (jīng guò) Verb: to pass, to go through
Relative Clause: after, as a result of
经理 (jīng lǐ) Noun: manager, director
酒 (jiǔ) Noun: alcohol
酒店 (jiǔ diàn) Noun: hotel, restaurant, wine shop
就要 (jiù yào) Verb: to be about to do something
举 (jǔ) Verb: to raise, to hold up, to elect
句 (jù) Noun: sentence
Measure Word: for phrases, sentences, etc.
举手 (jǔ shǒu) Verb: to raise a hand
举行 (jǔ xíng) Verb: to hold (meeting, etc.)
句子 (jù zi) Noun: sentence


卡 (kǎ) Noun: card, calorie
开机 (kāi jī) Verb: to boot up, to start an engine
开心 (kāi xīn) Verb: to feel happy, to make fun of sbd.
Adjective: happy
开学 (kāi xué) Noun: start of a term at school
Verb: to start a term
看法 (kàn fǎ) Noun: view, opinion
靠 (kào) Verb: to lean against, to get near
考生 (kǎo shēng) Noun: exam candidate
科 (kē) Noun: science
克 (kè) Verb: to subdue, to restrain
Measure Word: 1 gram
刻 (kè) Measure Word: for quarter of an hour
可爱 (kě ài) Adjective: cute, lovely
可能 (kě néng) Adverb: might, maybe
Auxiliary Verb: can
可怕 (kě pà) Adjective: awful, terrible
客人 (kè rén) Noun: guest, customer, visitor
可是 (kě shì) Conjunction: but
课堂 (kè táng) Noun: classroom
科学 (kē xué) Noun: science
Adjective: scientific
可以 (kě yǐ) Auxiliary Verb: can, may, able to
空气 (kōng qì) Noun: air, atmosphere
哭 (kū) Verb: to cry, to weep
快餐 (kuài cān) Noun: fast food
快点儿 (kuài diǎn er) Expression: a little bit quicker please
快乐 (kuài lè) Adjective: happy
快要 (kuài yào) Adverb: almost, nearly
筷子 (kuài zi) Noun: chopsticks


拉 (lā) Verb: to pull
来自 (lái zì) Verb: to come from
蓝 (lán) Adjective: blue
篮球 (lán qiú) Noun: basketball
蓝色 (lán sè) Adjective: blue
老 (lǎo) Adverb: always
老 (lǎo) Particle: to add in front of surnames to show intimacy with somebody older than oneself (mostly for men)
老年 (lǎo nián) Adjective: old
老朋友 (lǎo péng you) Noun: old friend
老是 (lǎo shi) Adverb: always
离 (lí) Verb: to leave, to be away from
离开 (lí kāi) Verb: to depart, to leave
例如 (lì rú) Adverb: for example
里头 (lǐ tou) Location: inside
礼物 (lǐ wù) Noun: gift, present
理想 (lǐ xiǎng) Noun: ideal, dream
例子 (lì zi) Noun: example
脸 (liǎn) Noun: face
练 (liàn) Verb: to practice
练习 (liàn xí) Noun: exercise, practice
Verb: to practice
凉 (liáng) Adjective: cool, cold
两 (liǎng) Measure Word: 50 gram
亮 (liàng) Verb: to shine, to show, to reveal
Adjective: bright, clear, shiny
辆 (liàng) Measure Word: for vehicles
凉快 (liáng kuai) Adjective: pleasantly cool
零下 (líng xià) Number: below zero
留 (liú) Verb: to keep, to remain, to stay, to leave (a message, etc.)
流 (liú) Verb: to flow, to circulate
流利 (liú lì) Adjective: fluent
留下 (liú xià) Verb: to stay behind, to remain, to leave behind
流行 (liú xíng) Verb: to spread
Adjective: popular, fashionable
留学生 (liú xué shēng) Noun: foreign student
绿 (lǜ) Adjective: green
路边 (lù biān) Location: roadside
旅客 (lǚ kè) Noun: tourist, passenger, guest
绿色 (lǜ sè) Adjective: green
旅行 (lǚ xíng) Noun: travel
Verb: to travel
旅游 (lǚ yóu) Noun: trip, journey
Verb: to travel


卖 (mài) Verb: to sell
满 (mǎn) Verb: to fill, to satisfy
Adjective: full, satisfied
满意 (mǎn yì) Verb: to satisfy
Adjective: satisfied
猫 (māo) Noun: cat
米 (mǐ) Measure Word: for metre
面 (miàn) Measure Word: for flat surfaces like drums, mirrors, flags, etc.
面 (miàn) Noun: face, surface, noodles
面前 (miàn qián) Location: in front of
名 (míng) Noun: name
Adjective: famous
Measure Word: for people
名称 (míng chēng) Noun: name
名单 (míng dān) Noun: list (of names)
明星 (míng xīng) Noun: star, celebrity
目的 (mù dì) Noun: purpose, aim


那 (nà) Adverb: in that case
拿出 (ná chū) Verb: to take out, to put out
拿到 (ná dào) Verb: to receive, to get
那会儿 (nǎ huì ér) Time: at that time
那么 (nà me) Adverb: like that, so very much
那时候 (nà shí hou) Time: at that time
那样 (nà yàng) Adverb: that kind, that sort
南方 (nán fāng) Location: the South
难过 (nán guò) Verb: to feel sorry, to be sad
难看 (nán kàn) Adjective: ugly
难受 (nán shòu) Verb: to be difficult to bear
难题 (nán tí) Noun: difficult problem/question
难听 (nán tīng) Adjective: vulgar, offensive, unpleasant to hear
能够 (néng gòu) Verb: to be able to, to be capable of
年级 (nián jí) Noun: grade, year
年轻 (nián qīng) Adjective: young
鸟 (niǎo) Noun: bird
弄 (nòng) Verb: to do, to make
努力 (nǔ lì) Noun: great effort
Verb: to strive, to work/study hard
Adjective: hard, hardworking


爬 (pá) Verb: to crawl, to climb
怕 (pà) Verb: to fear, to be afraid of
爬山 (pá shān) Noun: hiking
Verb: to climb a mountain
排 (pái) Noun: row, line
Measure Word: for lines, rows, etc.
排队 (pái duì) Verb: to queue, to line up
排球 (pái qiú) Noun: volleyball
碰 (pèng) Verb: to meet, to run into
碰到 (pèng dào) Verb: to come across, to run into
碰见 (pèng jiàn) Verb: to run into, to bump into
篇 (piān) Measure Word: for chapters, articles, etc.
片 (piàn) Noun: thin piece, slice, film
Measure Word: for movies, scenes, etc. pieces of things
便宜 (pián yi) Adjective: cheap, inexpensive
漂亮 (piào liang) Adjective: pretty, beautiful
平 (píng) Adjective: flat, level, calm, peaceful
瓶 (píng) Noun: bottle
平安 (píng ān) Adjective: safe and sound, peaceful
平常 (píng cháng) Adjective: ordinary, common
Adverb: generally, usually
平等 (píng děng) Noun: equality
Adjective: equal
平时 (píng shí) Noun: peacetime
Adverb: normally
瓶子 (píng zi) Noun: bottle
普通 (pǔ tōng) Adjective: ordinary, common
普通话 (pǔ tōng huà) Noun: Mandarin


骑 (qí) Verb: to ride (animal or bike)
气 (qì) Noun: gas, air
Verb: to get angry, to annoy
骑车 (qí chē) Verb: to cycle
起飞 (qǐ fēi) Verb: to take off
其他 (qí tā) Pronoun: other, others
气温 (qì wēn) Noun: (air) temperature
其中 (qí zhōng) Adverb: among, in
千 (qiān) Number: 1000
千克 (qiān kè) Noun: kilogram
前年 (qián nián) Time: the year before last year
墙 (qiáng) Noun: wall
轻 (qīng) Adjective: light, small in number, unimportant
晴 (qíng) Adjective: clear, sunny
清楚 (qīng chu) Adjective: clear, distinct
请客 (qǐng kè) Verb: to invite sbd. for dinner
青年 (qīng nián) Noun: youth
Adjective: youthful
请求 (qǐng qiú) Noun: request
Verb: to request, to ask
青少年 (qīng shào nián) Noun: young person, teenager
晴天 (qíng tiān) Adjective: sunny
求 (qiú) Verb: to seek, to request, to look for
球场 (qiú chǎng) Noun: court, sports ground, stadium
球队 (qiú duì) Noun: sports team
秋天 (qiū tiān) Noun: autumn
球鞋 (qiú xié) Noun: sport shoes
取 (qǔ) Verb: to take, to get
取得 (qǔ dé) Verb: to acquire, to obtain
全 (quán) Adverb: completely, entirely
全部 (quán bù) Adjective: whole, entire, complete
全国 (quán guó) Noun: the whole country
全家 (quán jiā) Noun: the whole family
全年 (quán nián) Time: all year long
全身 (quán shēn) Noun: the whole body
全体 (quán tǐ) Adverb: entire, all


然后 (rán hòu) Conjunction: then, afterwards
让 (ràng) Verb: to permit, to let sbd. do sth.
热情 (rè qíng) Adjective: cordial, enthusiastic, passionate
人口 (rén kǒu) Noun: population
人们 (rén men) Noun: people
人数 (rén shù) Noun: number of people
认为 (rèn wéi) Verb: to think, to believe, to consider
日报 (rì bào) Noun: daily newspaper
日子 (rì zi) Noun: day, calendar date
如果 (rú guǒ) Conjunction: if
入口 (rù kǒu) Noun: entrance


商量 (shāng liang) Verb: to consult, to discuss
商人 (shāng rén) Noun: businessman, merchant
上周 (shàng zhōu) Time: last week
少年 (shào nián) Noun: youngster
少数 (shǎo shù) Noun: small number, minority
身边 (shēn biān) Location: at somebody's side
什么样 (shén me yàng) Expression: what sort?
生 (shēng) Verb: to give birth, to be born
省 (shěng) Noun: province
省 (shěng) Verb: to save, to omit
生词 (shēng cí) Noun: new vocabulary
生活 (shēng huó) Noun: life
Verb: to live
声音 (shēng yīn) Noun: voice, sound
示 (shì) Verb: to show, to reveal
市 (shì) Noun: city, market
十分 (shí fēn) Adverb: very, completely, fully, utterly, absolutely
实际 (shí jì) Noun: reality, practice
Adjective: realistic, practical
事情 (shì qing) Noun: thing, affair, matter
食物 (shí wù) Noun: food
实习 (shí xí) Noun: practice, internship
Verb: to practice
实现 (shí xiàn) Verb: to realize, to achieve, to bring about
使用 (shǐ yòng) Verb: to use
实在 (shí zài) Adjective: real, true
实在 (shí zài) Adverb: really, in fact
市长 (shì zhǎng) Noun: mayor
收 (shōu) Verb: to accept, to receive
手表 (shǒu biǎo) Noun: wrist watch
收到 (shōu dào) Verb: to receive
受到 (shòu dào) Verb: to receive, to suffer
收入 (shōu rù) Noun: income, revenue
Verb: to take in
熟 (shú) Adjective: ripe
数 (shǔ) Verb: to count
舒服 (shū fu) Adjective: comfortable
数字 (shù zì) Noun: figure, number
水平 (shuǐ píng) Noun: level, standard
Adjective: horizontal
顺利 (shùn lì) Adjective: smoothly
说明 (shuō míng) Noun: explanation, illustration
Verb: to explain, to illustrate
司机 (sī jī) Noun: driver
送到 (sòng dào) Verb: to accompany to
送给 (sòng gěi) Verb: to send, to give as a present
算 (suàn) Verb: to calculate
随便 (suí biàn) Adjective: random
Adverb: as one wishes
虽然 (suī rán) Conjunction: although
随时 (suí shí) Adverb: at all time, at any time
所以 (suǒ yǐ) Conjunction: therefore, as a result, so
所有 (suǒ yǒu) Verb: to possess, to own
Adjective: all


它 (tā) Pronoun: it
它们 (tā men) Pronoun: they (as for it)
态度 (tài du) Noun: manner, attitude
太太 (tài tai) Noun: wife, Madame, Mrs.
太阳 (tài yáng) Noun: sun
套 (tào) Noun: cover
Verb: to cover with
Measure Word: for sets of things
讨论 (tǎo lùn) Noun: discussion
Verb: to discuss
特别 (tè bié) Adjective: special, particular
特点 (tè diǎn) Noun: characteristic feature
疼 (téng) Noun: pain
Verb: to ache, to hurt
提 (tí) Verb: to carry, to raise
题 (tí) Noun: question (of a test)
Verb: to inscribe, to mention
提出 (tí chū) Verb: to raise (an issue), to propose, to suggest
提到 (tí dào) Verb: to mention
提高 (tí gāo) Verb: to raise, to increase
体育 (tǐ yù) Noun: sports
体育场 (tǐ yù chǎng) Noun: stadium
体育馆 (tǐ yù guǎn) Noun: gymnasium
天上 (tiān shàng) Adjective: celestial, heavenly
条 (tiáo) Noun: strip, clause
Measure Word: for long thin things
条件 (tiáo jiàn) Noun: condition, circumstances
停 (tíng) Verb: to stop
挺 (tǐng) Adverb: quite, very, rather
停车 (tíng chē) Verb: to stop, to park (a car)
停车场 (tíng chē chǎng) Noun: car park
挺好 (tǐng hǎo) Adjective: very good
听讲 (tīng jiǎng) Verb: listen to (talk, lecture, teacher, etc.)
听说 (tīng shuō) Verb: to hear something (rumour, etc.)
通 (tōng) Verb: to go through, to connect
通过 (tōng guò) Verb: to pass through, to get through
Relative Clause: via, by
同时 (tóng shí) Time: at the same time, simultaneously
同事 (tóng shì) Noun: colleague
同样 (tóng yàng) Adjective: same, equivalent
通知 (tōng zhī) Noun: notice
Verb: to notify, to inform
头 (tóu) Noun: head, start
Measure Word: for bigger animals (e.g. sheep, donkey)
头 (tou) Particle: suffix for noun
头发 (tóu fa) Noun: hair (on the head)
图片 (tú piàn) Noun: picture, photo
推 (tuī) Verb: to push
腿 (tuǐ) Noun: leg


外地 (wài dì) Noun: parts of another country
外卖 (wài mài) Noun: take out, takeaway
完 (wán) Verb: to finish
碗 (wǎn) Noun: bowl
万 (wàn) Number: 10000
晚安 (wǎn ān) Expression: good night!
晚报 (wǎn bào) Noun: evening paper
晚餐 (wǎn cān) Noun: dinner
完成 (wán chéng) Verb: to complete, to accomplish
晚会 (wǎn huì) Noun: party, event
完全 (wán quán) Adjective: complete, whole, entire
网 (wǎng) Noun: net, network
往 (wǎng) Verb: to go
Relative Clause: towards, to
网球 (wǎng qiú) Noun: tennis
网站 (wǎng zhàn) Noun: website
为 (wèi) Verb: to do, to act, to be, to become
Relative Clause: for (sbd.)
位 (wèi) Noun: position, place, seat
Measure Word: for people
喂 (wèi) Expression: hello
味道 (wèi dào) Noun: taste, flavour
为什么 (wèi shén me) Adverb: why
闻 (wén) Verb: to hear, to smell
温度 (wēn dù) Noun: temperature
问路 (wèn lù) Verb: to ask for directions
问题 (wèn tí) Noun: problem, question
午餐 (wǔ cān) Noun: lunch
午睡 (wǔ shuì) Noun: siesta
Verb: to take a nap


西北 (xī běi) Location: northwest
西餐 (xī cān) Noun: Western food
西方 (xī fāng) Location: the West
习惯 (xí guàn) Noun: habit, usual practice, custom
Verb: to be/get used to
西南 (xī nán) Location: southwest
西医 (xī yī) Noun: Western medicine
洗衣机 (xǐ yī jī) Noun: washing machine
洗澡 (xǐ zǎo) Verb: to take a shower, to have a bath
下 (xià) Measure Word: for times of action
夏天 (xià tiān) Noun: summer
下雪 (xià xuě) Verb: to snow
下周 (xià zhōu) Time: next week
响 (xiǎng) Noun: sound, noise
Verb: to make a sound
Adjective: loud, noisy
向 (xiàng) Noun: direction
Verb: to face, to turn towards
Adverb: formerly, all along
Relative Clause: towards
像 (xiàng) Verb: to be/look like, to appear, to seem
想到 (xiǎng dào) Verb: to think of
想法 (xiǎng fǎ) Noun: idea, thought
相机 (xiāng jī) Noun: camera
想起 (xiǎng qǐ) Verb: to recall, to call to mind
相同 (xiāng tóng) Adjective: identical, same
相信 (xiāng xìn) Verb: to believe in, to have faith in
小 (xiǎo) Particle: added to a last name to signal a close person is younger or cute
笑话 (xiào hua) Noun: joke
笑话儿 (xiào huà er) Noun: joke
小声 (xiǎo shēng) Adjective: in a low voice, in whispers
小时候 (xiǎo shí hòu) Time: when I was small
小说 (xiǎo shuō) Noun: novel, fiction
小心 (xiǎo xīn) Verb: to be careful
Adjective: careful
Expression: take care!
校园 (xiào yuán) Noun: campus
校长 (xiào zhǎng) Noun: headmaster, president (university)
小组 (xiǎo zǔ) Noun: small team, group
鞋 (xié) Noun: shoe
信 (xìn) Noun: letter, trust
信号 (xìn hào) Noun: signal
心里 (xīn lǐ) Noun: in one's heart
心情 (xīn qíng) Noun: mood, state of mind
新闻 (xīn wén) Noun: news
信息 (xìn xī) Noun: information, news
信心 (xìn xīn) Noun: confidence, faith
信用卡 (xìn yòng kǎ) Noun: credit card
心中 (xīn zhōng) Noun: in the heart
姓 (xìng) Noun: surname
行动 (xíng dòng) Noun: action, operation
Verb: to move, to act
姓名 (xìng míng) Noun: full name
行人 (xíng rén) Noun: pedestrian
行为 (xíng wéi) Noun: action, conduct, behaviour, activity
星星 (xīng xing) Noun: star (in the sky)
休假 (xiū jià) Verb: to take a vacation
许多 (xǔ duō) Adjective: many, a lot of
选 (xuǎn) Verb: to choose, to select
雪 (xuě) Noun: snow
学期 (xué qī) Noun: term, semester


眼 (yǎn) Noun: eye
Measure Word: for wells, stoves, etc.
眼睛 (yǎn jing) Noun: eye
颜色 (yán sè) Noun: colour
养 (yǎng) Verb: to raise
样子 (yàng zi) Noun: appearance, manner
药 (yào) Noun: medicine, drug
药店 (yào diàn) Noun: pharmacy
药片 (yào piàn) Noun: pill (medicine)
要求 (yāo qiú) Noun: demand, requirement
Verb: to require, to demand
药水 (yào shuǐ) Noun: bottled medicine, lotion
夜 (yè) Noun: night
夜里 (yè li) Time: at night
也许 (yě xǔ) Adverb: perhaps, maybe
亿 (yì) Number: 100 million
一般 (yì bān) Adjective: ordinary, general, common
Adverb: in general, generally
一部分 (yī bù fèn) Noun: portion, part of
一点点 (yī diǎn diǎn) Adverb: a little bit
一定 (yí dìng) Adjective: definite, fixed, given
Adverb: surely, certainly
一共 (yí gòng) Adverb: altogether
以后 (yǐ hòu) Time: after, afterwards
一会儿 (yí huì er) Adverb: in a moment, a little while
意见 (yì jiàn) Noun: opinion, view, objection
已经 (yǐ jīng) Adverb: already
一路平安 (yí lù píng ān) Expression: have a safe trip!
一路顺风 (yī lù shùn fēng) Expression: have a pleasant journey!
以前 (yǐ qián) Time: before
Adverb: previous, formerly
以上 (yǐ shàng) Adverb: that or more, the above-mentioned
一生 (yì shēng) Noun: all one's life, human life
意思 (yì si) Noun: meaning, opinion, idea
以外 (yǐ wài) Conjunction: apart from, outside of
以为 (yǐ wéi) Verb: to think (wrongly), to be under the (wrong) impression
以下 (yǐ xià) Adverb: that or less, the following
一直 (yī zhí) Adverb: always, continuously, straight
椅子 (yǐ zi) Noun: chair
阴 (yīn) Adjective: cloudy, overcast
银行 (yín háng) Noun: bank (for money)
银行卡 (yín háng kǎ) Noun: ATM card
音节 (yīn jié) Noun: syllable
阴天 (yīn tiān) Adjective: overcast, cloudy
因为 (yīn wèi) Conjunction: because
音乐 (yīn yuè) Noun: music
音乐会 (yīn yuè huì) Noun: concert
应该 (yīng gāi) Auxiliary Verb: should, ought to
影片 (yǐng piàn) Noun: film
英文 (yīng wén) Noun: English
影响 (yǐng xiǎng) Noun: influence, effect
Verb: to influence, to affect
英语 (yīng yǔ) Noun: English
永远 (yǒng yuǎn) Adverb: forever, ever
油 (yóu) Noun: oil
又 (yòu) Adverb: again
有点儿 (yǒu diǎn er) Adverb: slightly, a little
友好 (yǒu hǎo) Adjective: friendly
游客 (yóu kè) Noun: tourist
有空儿 (yǒu kòng er) Verb: to have time
有人 (yǒu rén) Adverb: someone, there are people
有意思 (yǒu yì si) Adjective: interesting
鱼 (yú) Noun: fish
语言 (yǔ yán) Noun: language
院 (yuàn) Noun: courtyard, institution
原来 (yuán lái) Adjective: former, original
Adverb: as it turns out
愿意 (yuàn yì) Auxiliary Verb: to be willing, to be ready, to wish, to want
原因 (yuán yīn) Noun: reason, cause
院长 (yuàn zhǎng) Noun: director
院子 (yuàn zi) Noun: courtyard, patio
越 (yuè) Verb: to exceed, to climb over, to surpass
月份 (yuè fèn) Time: month
越来越 (yuè lái yuè) Adverb: more and more
月亮 (yuè liang) Noun: moon
云 (yún) Noun: cloud
运动 (yùn dòng) Noun: movement, sports
Verb: to move about


咱 (zán) Pronoun: we
咱们 (zán men) Pronoun: we, us
脏 (zāng) Adjective: dirty
早餐 (zǎo cān) Noun: breakfast
早晨 (zǎo chen) Time: early morning
早就 (zǎo jiù) Location: before already
怎么办 (zěn me bàn) Expression: what should (we) do?
怎么样 (zěn me yàng) Adverb: how is/are
Expression: how about that?
怎样 (zěn yàng) Adverb: how
占 (zhàn) Verb: to take possession of, to occupy
站 (zhàn) Verb: to stand, to stop, to halt
站住 (zhàn zhù) Verb: to stand
长 (zhǎng) Verb: to grow, to develop
长大 (zhǎng dà) Expression: to grow up
找出 (zhǎo chū) Verb: to find out
照顾 (zhào gù) Verb: to take care of, to look after
照片 (zhào piàn) Noun: photo, picture
照相 (zhào xiàng) Verb: to take a photo
这么 (zhè me) Adverb: so much, that much
这时候 (zhè shí hou) Time: at that time
这样 (zhè yàng) Adverb: this way, like this
真正 (zhēn zhèng) Adjective: genuine, real, true
正常 (zhèng cháng) Adjective: regular, normal, ordinary
正好 (zhèng hǎo) Adverb: just right, just at the right time
正确 (zhèng què) Adjective: correct, proper
正是 (zhèng shì) Adverb: exactly, precisely
只 (zhǐ) Adverb: only, just, merely
纸 (zhǐ) Noun: paper
直接 (zhí jiē) Adjective: direct, immediate
只能 (zhǐ néng) Verb: to have no other choice than
只要 (zhǐ yào) Conjunction: if only, as long as
中餐 (zhōng cān) Noun: Chinese food
重点 (zhòng diǎn) Noun: emphasis, focal point, priority
中级 (zhōng jí) Noun: middle level
中年 (zhōng nián) Adjective: middle aged
重视 (zhòng shì) Verb: to value, to attach importance to
中小学 (zhōng xiǎo xué) Noun: middle and elementary school
中心 (zhōng xīn) Noun: centre
中医 (zhōng yī) Noun: traditional Chinese medical science
周 (zhōu) Noun: circle, circumference, week
Verb: to circle
Adjective: complete, thorough
周末 (zhōu mò) Noun: weekend
周年 (zhōu nián) Noun: anniversary
住房 (zhù fáng) Noun: housing
主人 (zhǔ rén) Noun: host, master
主要 (zhǔ yào) Adjective: main, principal, major
住院 (zhù yuàn) Verb: to be in hospital
装 (zhuāng) Noun: dress, clothing, costume
Verb: to pretend, to install, to fix, to load, to pack
准确 (zhǔn què) Adjective: accurate, precise, exact
字典 (zì diǎn) Noun: dictionary, character book
自己 (zì jǐ) Pronoun: oneself, self
自行车 (zì xíng chē) Noun: bicycle, bike
自由 (zì yóu) Noun: freedom, liberty
Adjective: free
走过 (zǒu guò) Verb: to walk past, to pass by
走进 (zǒu jìn) Verb: to enter
走开 (zǒu kāi) Expression: go away!
租 (zū) Verb: to rent, to hire
组 (zǔ) Noun: group, team
Verb: to organize, to form
组成 (zǔ chéng) Noun: composition
Verb: to form, to compose, to constitute
组长 (zǔ zhǎng) Noun: group leader
嘴 (zuǐ) Noun: mouth
最近 (zuì jìn) Adverb: recently, lately, soon
座 (zuò) Noun: seat
Measure Word: for cities, buildings, mountains, etc.
做到 (zuò dào) Verb: to accomplish, to achieve
做法 (zuò fǎ) Noun: method
做饭 (zuò fàn) Verb: to cook
作家 (zuò jiā) Noun: author
座位 (zuò wèi) Noun: seat, place
作文 (zuò wén) Noun: composition
Verb: to write an essay
作业 (zuò yè) Noun: homework, task, work
作用 (zuò yòng) Noun: action, function, impact, effect
Verb: to affect

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

This vocabulary guide contains all 11,092 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 7-9. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2021 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.
HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

This vocabulary guide contains all 5000 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 6. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2012 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.

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