HSK 3 Vocabulary List [HSK 2.0]

Below you can find the vocabularies you need to learn for HSK 2.0 Level 3


啊 (a) Particle: showing approval
阿姨 (ā yí) Noun: aunt
矮 (ǎi) Adjective: low, short
爱好 (ài hào) Noun: hobby, interest
Verb: to like
安静 (ān jìng) Adjective: quiet, peaceful


把 (bǎ) Noun: handle
Verb: to grasp, to hold
Particle: for ba-sentences
Measure Word: for a bunch or objects with handle
半 (bàn) Number: half
搬 (bān) Verb: to move, to shift
班 (bān) Noun: class, team, squad
Measure Word: for groups, rankings, etc.
办法 (bàn fǎ) Noun: method, way, means
办公室 (bàn gōng shì) Noun: office, bureau
帮忙 (bāng máng) Verb: to help, to do a favour
饱 (bǎo) Adjective: full (from eating)
包 (bāo) Noun: bag, package
Verb: to cover, to wrap, to hold, to include
被 (bèi) Relative Clause: by (for passive sentence)
北方 (běi fāng) Location: north, northern part of a country
比较 (bǐ jiào) Adverb: quite, rather, fairly, comparatively
比赛 (bǐ sài) Noun: competition, match
Verb: to compete
必须 (bì xū) Auxiliary Verb: to have to, to must
鼻子 (bí zi) Noun: nose
变化 (biàn huà) Noun: change, variation
表示 (biǎo shì) Verb: to express, to show, to indicate
表演 (biǎo yǎn) Noun: performance, show
Verb: to perform, to act
别人 (bié ren) Pronoun: others, other people
宾馆 (bīn guǎn) Noun: hotel
冰箱 (bīng xiāng) Noun: fridge, icebox

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才 (cái) Noun: ability, talent
Adverb: just, only if
菜单 (cài dān) Noun: menu
参加 (cān jiā) Verb: to attend, to take part, to join
草 (cǎo) Noun: grass, straw
层 (céng) Noun: layer, floor
Measure Word: for layer, story, floor
差 (chà) Verb: to lack, short of
Adjective: poor
超市 (chāo shì) Noun: supermarket
衬衫 (chèn shān) Noun: shirt, blouse
成绩 (chéng jì) Noun: score, achievement, grades
城市 (chéng shì) Noun: city, town
迟到 (chí dào) Verb: to be late
厨房 (chú fáng) Noun: kitchen
除了 (chú le) Conjunction: except for, apart from, besides
出现 (chū xiàn) Verb: to appear, to arise
春 (chūn) Noun: spring
词语 (cí yǔ) Noun: word, expression
聪明 (cōng ming) Adjective: clever, intelligent, smart


打扫 (dǎ sǎo) Verb: to clean
打算 (dǎ suàn) Noun: plan, intention
Verb: to plan, to think of, to calculate
带 (dài) Noun: band, belt, area, region
Verb: to wear, to carry, to bring, to lead
蛋糕 (dàn gāo) Noun: cake
担心 (dān xīn) Verb: to worry
Adjective: worried, anxious
当然 (dāng rán) Adverb: certainly, of course
地 (de) Particle: used before a verb
灯 (dēng) Noun: lamp, light
低 (dī) Adjective: low
地方 (dì fang) Noun: region, place, location
地铁 (dì tiě) Noun: subway
地图 (dì tú) Noun: map
电梯 (diàn tī) Noun: elevator
电子邮件 (diàn zǐ yóu jiàn) Noun: email
东 (dōng) Location: east
冬 (dōng) Noun: winter
动物 (dòng wù) Noun: animal
段 (duàn) Measure Word: for paragraphs, segments, periods, stories
短 (duǎn) Adjective: short, brief
锻炼 (duàn liàn) Verb: to exercise, to engage in physical exercise
多么 (duō me) Adverb: how, what

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饿 (è) Adjective: hungry
耳朵 (ěr duo) Noun: ear
而且 (ér qiě) Conjunction: moreover, in addition, furthermore


发烧 (fā shāo) Verb: to have fever
发现 (fā xiàn) Verb: to discover, to find
放 (fàng) Verb: to let go, to put, have a vacation
方便 (fāng biàn) Adjective: convenient
放心 (fàng xīn) Verb: to rest, to be at ease
分 (fēn) Noun: minute, point, 0.01 Yuan
Verb: to divide, to distinguish
附近 (fù jìn) Noun: vicinity
Adverb: nearby
Relative Clause: next to
复习 (fù xí) Noun: revision
Verb: to revise


敢 (gǎn) Auxiliary Verb: to dare
干净 (gān jìng) Adjective: clean, tidy
感冒 (gǎn mào) Noun: common cold
Verb: to catch a cold
刚才 (gāng cái) Time: just a moment ago
跟 (gēn) Verb: to follow
Relative Clause: with
Conjunction: and
根据 (gēn jù) Noun: basis, foundation
Verb: to base on
Relative Clause: according to, based on
更 (gèng) Adverb: even more
公园 (gōng yuán) Noun: park
故事 (gù shi) Noun: story, tale
刮风 (guā fēng) Verb: to be windy
关 (guān) Noun: mountain pass, barrier
Verb: to close, to shut, to turn off
关系 (guān xì) Noun: relationship, relation
Verb: to affect, to have to do with
关心 (guān xīn) Noun: concern
Verb: to care for
关于 (guān yú) Relative Clause: concerning, with regards to, about
国家 (guó jiā) Noun: country, state, nation
过去 (guò qù) Verb: to go over, to pass by
Adverb: past, former
果汁 (guǒ zhī) Noun: fruit juice


害怕 (hài pà) Verb: to be afraid, to fear
还是 (hái shì) Adverb: still, nevertheless
Conjunction: or
河 (hé) Noun: river
黑板 (hēi bǎn) Noun: blackboard
护照 (hù zhào) Noun: passport
画 (huà) Noun: picture, painting
Verb: to draw, to paint
花 (huā) Noun: flower
Verb: to spend
花园 (huā yuán) Noun: garden
坏 (huài) Adjective: bad, broken, spoiled
还 (huán) Verb: to give back, to return
换 (huàn) Verb: to change, to exchange
环境 (huán jìng) Noun: environment, surroundings
黄 (huáng) Verb: to fall through
Adjective: yellow, pornographic
会议 (huì yì) Noun: meeting, conference
或者 (huò zhě) Conjunction: or, possibly


极 (jí) Noun: pole
Adverb: extremely, highly
记得 (jì de) Verb: to remember
几乎 (jī hū) Adverb: almost, nearly
机会 (jī huì) Noun: opportunity, chance
季节 (jì jié) Noun: season, period
检查 (jiǎn chá) Noun: inspection
Verb: to check, to inspect, to examine
简单 (jiǎn dān) Adjective: simple, uncomplicated
健康 (jiàn kāng) Noun: health
Adjective: healthy
见面 (jiàn miàn) Verb: to meet, to see sb.
讲 (jiǎng) Noun: speech, lecture
Verb: to speak, to explain, to negotiate
脚 (jiǎo) Noun: foot
角 (jiǎo) Noun: angle, corner, horn
Measure Word: for 0.1 yuan
教 (jiāo) Verb: to teach, to instruct
借 (jiè) Verb: to lend, to borrow, to make use of (an opportunity)
接 (jiē) Verb: to receive, to meet, to connect, to catch
街道 (jiē dào) Noun: street
结婚 (jié hūn) Noun: marriage, wedding
Verb: to marry
解决 (jiě jué) Verb: to settle (dispute), to resolve, to solve
节目 (jié mù) Noun: program, item
节日 (jié rì) Noun: holiday, festival
结束 (jié shù) Noun: termination, end
Verb: to finish, to end, to conclude
经常 (jīng cháng) Adverb: often, frequently
经过 (jīng guò) Verb: to pass, to go through
Relative Clause: after, as a result of
经理 (jīng lǐ) Noun: manager, director
旧 (jiù) Adjective: old, used, worn
久 (jiǔ) Adjective: long (time)
举行 (jǔ xíng) Verb: to hold (meeting, etc.)
句子 (jù zi) Noun: sentence
决定 (jué dìng) Noun: decision
Verb: to decide


刻 (kè) Verb: to cut, to carve
Measure Word: for quarter of an hour
渴 (kě) Adjective: thirsty
可爱 (kě ài) Adjective: cute, lovely
客人 (kè rén) Noun: guest, customer, visitor
空调 (kōng tiáo) Noun: air conditioning
口 (kǒu) Noun: mouth
Measure Word: for things with mouths or a mouth full of
哭 (kū) Verb: to cry, to weep
裤子 (kù zi) Noun: trousers
筷子 (kuài zi) Noun: chopsticks


蓝 (lán) Adjective: blue
老 (lǎo) Adjective: old
Adverb: always
离开 (lí kāi) Verb: to depart, to leave
历史 (lì shǐ) Noun: history
礼物 (lǐ wù) Noun: gift, present
脸 (liǎn) Noun: face
练习 (liàn xí) Noun: exercise, practice
Verb: to practice
辆 (liàng) Measure Word: for vehicles
了解 (liǎo jiě) Verb: to understand
邻居 (lín jū) Noun: neighbour
楼 (lóu) Noun: storied building
Measure Word: for floor
绿 (lǜ) Adjective: green


马 (mǎ) Noun: horse
马上 (mǎ shàng) Adverb: immediately, at once
满意 (mǎn yì) Verb: to satisfy
Adjective: satisfied
帽子 (mào zi) Noun: hat, cap
米 (mǐ) Noun: rice
Measure Word: for meter
面包 (miàn bāo) Noun: bread
面条 (miàn tiáo) Noun: noodles
明白 (míng bai) Verb: to understand
Adjective: clear, obvious


拿 (ná) Verb: to hold, to seize
奶奶 (nǎi nai) Noun: grandmother (father's mother)
南 (nán) Location: south
难 (nán) Adjective: difficult
难过 (nán guò) Verb: to feel sorry, sad
年级 (nián jí) Noun: grade, year
年轻 (nián qīng) Adjective: young
鸟 (niǎo) Noun: bird
努力 (nǔ lì) Noun: great effort
Verb: to strive, to work/study hard
Adjective: hard, hardworking


爬山 (pá shān) Noun: hiking
Verb: to climb a mountain
盘子 (pán zi) Noun: tray, plate, dish
胖 (pàng) Adjective: fat, plump
啤酒 (pí jiǔ) Noun: beer
葡萄 (pú tao) Noun: grape
普通话 (pǔ tōng huà) Noun: Mandarin


骑 (qí) Verb: to ride (animal or bike)
奇怪 (qí guài) Adjective: strange, weird
其实 (qí shí) Adverb: actually, in fact
其他 (qí tā) Pronoun: other, others
铅笔 (qiān bǐ) Noun: pencil
清楚 (qīng chu) Adjective: clear, distinct
秋 (qiū) Noun: autumn, fall
裙子 (qún zi) Noun: skirt


然后 (rán hòu) Conjunction: then, afterwards
热情 (rè qíng) Noun: enthusiasm, passion
Adjective: enthusiastic, passionate, cordial
认为 (rèn wéi) Verb: to think, to believe, to consider
认真 (rèn zhēn) Adjective: conscientious, earnest, serious
容易 (róng yì) Adjective: easy
如果 (rú guǒ) Conjunction: if


伞 (sǎn) Noun: umbrella
上网 (shàng wǎng) Verb: to be on the internet
生气 (shēng qì) Verb: to be/get angry
Adjective: angry, mad
声音 (shēng yīn) Noun: voice, sound
使 (shǐ) Noun: envoy, messenger
Verb: to make, to cause, to use, to employ
世界 (shì jiè) Noun: world
瘦 (shòu) Adjective: thin, slim
树 (shù) Noun: tree
舒服 (shū fu) Adjective: comfortable
叔叔 (shū shu) Noun: uncle
数学 (shù xué) Noun: mathematics
刷牙 (shuā yá) Verb: to brush teeth
双 (shuāng) Adjective: two, pair, both
Measure Word: for a pair (of shoes, etc.)
水平 (shuǐ píng) Noun: level, standard
Adjective: horizontal
司机 (sī jī) Noun: driver
虽然 (suī rán) Conjunction: although


太阳 (tài yáng) Noun: sun
糖 (táng) Noun: sugar, sweets, candy
特别 (tè bié) Adjective: special, particular
疼 (téng) Noun: pain
Verb: to ache, to hurt
提高 (tí gāo) Verb: to raise, to increase
体育 (tǐ yù) Noun: sports
甜 (tián) Adjective: sweet
条 (tiáo) Noun: strip, clause
Measure Word: for long thin things
同事 (tóng shì) Noun: colleague
同意 (tóng yì) Verb: to agree, to consent, to approve
头发 (tóu fa) Noun: hair (on the head)
突然 (tū rán) Adjective: sudden, abrupt Adverb: suddenly, unexpectedly
图书馆 (tú shū guǎn) Noun: library
腿 (tuǐ) Noun: leg


万 (wàn) Number: 10000
碗 (wǎn) Noun: bowl
完成 (wán chéng) Verb: to complete, to accomplish
忘记 (wàng jì) Verb: to forget
为 (wèi) Verb: to do, to act, to be, to become
Relative Clause: for (sb.)
位 (wèi) Noun: position, place, seat
Measure Word: for people
为了 (wèi le) Relative Clause: for, in order to
文化 (wén huà) Noun: culture


西 (xī) Location: west
习惯 (xí guàn) Noun: habit, usual practice, custom
Verb: to be/get used to
洗手间 (xǐ shǒu jiān) Noun: toilet, bathroom
洗澡 (xǐ zǎo) Verb: to take a shower, to have a bath
夏 (xià) Noun: summer
先 (xiān) Adverb: early, former, first, before
像 (xiàng) Verb: be/look like, to appear, to seem
香蕉 (xiāng jiāo) Noun: banana
相同 (xiāng tóng) Adjective: identical, same
相信 (xiāng xìn) Verb: to believe in, have faith in
小心 (xiǎo xīn) Verb: to be careful
Adjective: careful
Expression: Take care!
校长 (xiào zhǎng) Noun: headmaster, president (university)
鞋 (xié) Noun: shoe
信 (xìn) Noun: letter, trust
Verb: to believe, to trust
新闻 (xīn wén) Noun: news
新鲜 (xīn xiān) Adjective: fresh (food, experience, etc.)
行李箱 (xíng li xiāng) Noun: suitcase
兴趣 (xìng qù) Noun: interest
熊猫 (xióng māo) Noun: panda
需要 (xū yào) Noun: needs
Verb: to need, to want
选择 (xuǎn zé) Noun: choice, option
Verb: to choose, to select


眼镜 (yǎn jìng) Noun: eyeglasses
要求 (yāo qiú) Noun: demand, requirement
Verb: to require, to demand
爷爷 (yé ye) Noun: grandfather (father's father)
一般 (yì bān) Adjective: ordinary, general, common
Adverb: in general, generally
一边 (yì biān) Location: one side
Adverb: on the one hand
一定 (yí dìng) Adjective: definite, fixed, given
Adverb: surely, certainly
一共 (yí gòng) Adverb: althogether
以后 (yǐ hòu) Time: after, afterwards
一会儿 (yí huì r) Time: a while
Adverb: in a moment, a little while
以前 (yǐ qián) Time: before
Adverb: previous, formerly
以为 (yǐ wéi) Verb: to think (wrongly), to be under the (wrong) impression
一样 (yí yàng) Adverb: alike, equal to
一直 (yī zhí) Adverb: always, continuously, straight
银行 (yín háng) Noun: bank (for money)
音乐 (yīn yuè) Noun: music
应该 (yīng gāi) Auxiliary Verb: should, ought to
影响 (yǐng xiǎng) Noun: influence, effect
Verb: to influence, to affect
用 (yòng) Verb: to use, to employ, to apply
又 (yòu) Adverb: again
有名 (yǒu míng) Adjective: famous, well known
游戏 (yóu xì) Noun: game, play
遇到 (yù dào) Verb: to meet, to run into
愿意 (yuàn yì) Auxiliary Verb: to be willing, be ready, to wish, to want
越 (yuè) Verb: to exceed, to climb over, to surpass
月亮 (yuè liang) Noun: moon
云 (yún) Noun: cloud


站 (zhàn) Noun: station, stop
Verb: to stand, to stop, to halt
长 (zhǎng) Noun: chief, head
Verb: to grow, to develop
照顾 (zhào gù) Verb: to take care of, to look after
着急 (zháo jí) Verb: to worry, to be nervous
照片 (zhào piàn) Noun: photo, picture
照相机 (zhào xiàng jī) Noun: camera
只 (zhǐ) Adverb: only, just, merely
种 (zhǒng) Noun: species, race, breed
Measure Word: type, kind, sort or for languages
中间 (zhōng jiān) Location: between, in the middle, mid
重要 (zhòng yào) Adjective: important
终于 (zhōng yú) Adverb: at last, finally, eventually
周末 (zhōu mò) Noun: weekend
祝 (zhù) Verb: to wish, to express good wishes
主要 (zhǔ yào) Adjective: main, principal, major
注意 (zhù yì) Verb: to pay attention to
字典 (zì diǎn) Noun: dictionary, character book
自己 (zì jǐ) Pronoun: oneself, self
总是 (zǒng shì) Adverb: always
最近 (zuì jìn) Adverb: recently, lately, soon
作业 (zuò yè) Noun: homework, task, work
作用 (zuò yòng) Noun: action, function, impact, effect
Verb: to affect

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