HSK 4 Example Sentences (HSK 2.0)

Example sentences for all 600 HSK 4 vocabulary – learn how to use each of the HSK 4 words in a sentence.
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爱情 (ài qíng)   安排 (ān pái)   安全 (ān quán)   按时 (àn shí)   按照 (àn zhào)


百分之 (bǎi​ fēn ​zhī)   棒 (bàng)   抱 (bào)   保护 (bǎo hù)   报名 (bào míng)   抱歉 (bào qiàn)   保证 (bǎo zhèng)   包子 (bāo zi)   倍 (bèi)   笨 (bèn)   本来 (běn lái)   比如 (bǐ rú)   毕业 (bì yè)   遍 (biàn)   表格 (biǎo gé)   表示 (biǎo shì)   表演 (biǎo yǎn)   表扬 (biǎo yáng)   标准 (biāo zhǔn)   饼干 (bǐng gān)   并且 (bìng qiě)   博士 (bó shì)   不得不 (bù dé bù)   部分 (bù fen)   不管 (bù guǎn)   不过 (bú guò)   不仅 (bù jǐn)


擦 (cā)   猜 (cāi)   材料 (cái liào)   参观 (cān guān)   餐厅 (cān tīng)   厕所 (cè suǒ)   差不多 (chà bu duō)   尝 (cháng)   场 (chǎng)   长城 (Cháng chéng)   长江 (Cháng jiāng)   超过 (chāo guò)   成功 (chéng gōng)   诚实 (chéng shí)   成为 (chéng wéi)   乘坐 (chéng zuò)   吃惊 (chī jīng)   重新 (chóng xīn)   抽烟 (chōu yān)   出差 (chū chāi)   出发 (chū fā)   厨房 (chú fáng)   出生 (chū shēng)   出现 (chū xiàn)   传真 (chuán zhēn)   窗户 (chuāng hu)   词语 (cí yǔ)   从来 (cóng lái)   粗心 (cū xīn)   存 (cún)   错误 (cuò wù)


答案 (dá àn)   打扮 (dǎ ban)   大概 (dà gài)   打扰 (dǎ rǎo)   大使馆 (dà shǐ guǎn)   打印 (dǎ yìn)   大约 (dà yuē)   打招呼 (dǎ zhāo hu)   打折 (dǎ zhé)   打针 (dǎ zhēn)   戴 (dài)   大夫 (dài fu)   当 (dāng)   当时 (dāng shí)   倒 (dào)   刀 (dāo)   到处 (dào chù)   到底 (dào dǐ)   道歉 (dào qiàn)   导游 (dǎo yóu)   得意 (dé yì)   得 (děi)   等 (děng)   登机牌 (dēng jī pái)   底 (dǐ)   低 (dī)   地点 (dì diǎn)   地球 (dì qiú)   地址 (dì zhǐ)   掉 (diào)   调查 (diào chá)   丢 (diū)   动作 (dòng zuò)   堵车 (dǔ chē)   肚子 (dù zi)   短信 (duǎn xìn)   对话 (duì huà)   对面 (duì miàn)   对于 (duì yú)


而 (ér)   儿童 (ér tóng)


法律 (fǎ lǜ)   发生 (fā shēng)   发展 (fā zhǎn)   反对 (fǎn duì)   烦恼 (fán nǎo)   翻译 (fān yì)   房东 (fáng dōng)   方法 (fāng fǎ)   方面 (fāng miàn)   放弃 (fàng qì)   放暑假 (fàng shǔ jià)   放松 (fàng sōng)   方向 (fāng xiàng)   份 (fèn)   丰富 (fēng fù)   否则 (fǒu zé)   富 (fù)   符合 (fú hé)   付款 (fù kuǎn)   父亲 (fù qīn)   复印 (fù yìn)   复杂 (fù zá)   负责 (fù zé)


改变 (gǎi biàn)   干 (gàn)   敢 (gǎn)   赶 (gǎn)   干杯 (gān bēi)   感动 (gǎn dòng)   感觉 (gǎn jué)   感情 (gǎn qíng)   感谢 (gǎn xiè)   刚 (gāng)   高速公路 (gāo sù gōng lù)   各 (gè)   胳膊 (gē bo)   功夫 (gōng fu)   公里 (gōng lǐ)   共同 (gòng tóng)   工资 (gōng zī)   够 (gòu)   购物 (gòu wù)   估计 (gū jì)   顾客 (gù kè)   鼓励 (gǔ lì)   故意 (gù yì)   挂 (guà)   关键 (guān jiàn)   管理 (guǎn lǐ)   观众 (guān zhòng)   逛 (guàng)   光 (guāng)   广播 (guǎng bō)   广告 (guǎng gào)   规定 (guī dìng)   过程 (guò chéng)   国籍 (guó jí)   国际 (guó jì)   果汁 (guǒ zhī)


害羞 (hài xiū)   海洋 (hǎi yáng)   汗 (hàn)   寒假 (hán jià)   航班 (háng bān)   好处 (hǎo chu)   号码 (hào mǎ)   好像 (hǎo xiàng)   合格 (hé gé)   合适 (hé shì)   盒子 (hé zi)   厚 (hòu)   后悔 (hòu huǐ)   互联网 (hù lián wǎng)   护士 (hù shi)   互相 (hù xiāng)   怀疑 (huái yí)   回忆 (huí yì)   火 (huǒ)   获得 (huò dé)   活动 (huó dòng)   活泼 (huó pō)


寄 (jì)   基础 (jī chǔ)   激动 (jī dòng)   计划 (jì huà)   积极 (jī jí)   积累 (jī lěi)   既然 (jì rán)   及时 (jí shí)   即使 (jí shǐ)   技术 (jì shù)   继续 (jì xù)   记者 (jì zhě)   假 (jiǎ)   加班 (jiā bān)   价格 (jià gé)   家具 (jiā jù)   加油站 (jiā yóu zhàn)   坚持 (jiān chí)   减肥 (jiǎn féi)   减少 (jiǎn shǎo)   建议 (jiàn yì)   降低 (jiàng dī)   奖金 (jiǎng jīn)   将来 (jiāng lái)   降落 (jiàng luò)   交 (jiāo)   骄傲 (jiāo ào)   交流 (jiāo liú)   郊区 (jiāo qū)   教授 (jiào shòu)   交通 (jiāo tōng)   教育 (jiào yù)   饺子 (jiǎo zi)   节 (jié)   结果 (jié guǒ)   解释 (jiě shì)   接受 (jiē shòu)   节约 (jié yuē)   接着 (jiē zhe)   尽管 (jǐn guǎn)   进行 (jìn xíng)   紧张 (jǐn zhāng)   禁止 (jìn zhǐ)   精彩 (jīng cǎi)   警察 (jǐng chá)   经济 (jīng jì)   京剧 (jīng jù)   经历 (jīng lì)   竟然 (jìng rán)   景色 (jǐng sè)   经验 (jīng yàn)   竞争 (jìng zhēng)   镜子 (jìng zi)   究竟 (jiū jìng)   举 (jǔ)   举办 (jǔ bàn)   聚会 (jù huì)   拒绝 (jù jué)   距离 (jù lí)   举行 (jǔ xíng)


开玩笑 (kāi wán xiào)   开心 (kāi xīn)   看法 (kàn fǎ)   考虑 (kǎo lǜ)   烤鸭 (kǎo yā)   棵 (kē)   可怜 (kě lián)   可是 (kě shì)   咳嗽 (ké sou)   客厅 (kè tīng)   可惜 (kě xī)   科学 (kē xué)   肯定 (kěn dìng)   空 (kòng)   恐怕 (kǒng pà)   空气 (kōng qì)   苦 (kǔ)   矿泉水 (kuàng quán shuǐ)   困 (kùn)   困难 (kùn nan)


辣 (là)   拉 (lā)   垃圾桶 (lā jī tǒng)   来不及 (lái bu jí)   来得及 (lái de jí)   来自 (lái zì)   懒 (lǎn)   浪费 (làng fèi)   浪漫 (làng màn)   老虎 (lǎo hǔ)   冷静 (lěng jìng)   礼拜天 (lǐ bài tiān)   理发 (lǐ fà)   厉害 (lì hai)   理解 (lǐ jiě)   礼貌 (lǐ mào)   力气 (lì qi)   例如 (lì rú)   理想 (lǐ xiǎng)   俩 (liǎ)   连 (lián)   联系 (lián xì)   凉快 (liáng kuai)   零钱 (líng qián)   另外 (lìng wài)   留 (liú)   流利 (liú lì)   流行 (liú xíng)   律师 (lǜ shī)   旅行 (lǚ xíng)   乱 (luàn)


麻烦 (má fan)   马虎 (mǎ hu)   满 (mǎn)   毛 (máo)   毛巾 (máo jīn)   美丽 (měi lì)   梦 (mèng)   迷路 (mí lù)   密码 (mì mǎ)   免费 (miǎn fèi)   秒 (miǎo)   民族 (mín zú)   目的 (mù dì)   母亲 (mǔ qīn)


耐心 (nài xīn)   难道 (nán dào)   难受 (nán shòu)   内 (nèi)   内容 (nèi róng)   能力 (néng lì)   年龄 (nián líng)   弄 (nòng)   暖和 (nuǎn huo)


偶尔 (ǒu ěr)


排队 (pái duì)   排列 (pái liè)   判断 (pàn duàn)   陪 (péi)   皮肤 (pí fū)   批评 (pī píng)   脾气 (pí qi)   骗 (piàn)   篇 (piān)   乒乓球 (pīng pāng qiú)   平时 (píng shí)   破 (pò)   普遍 (pǔ biàn)   葡萄 (pú tao)   普通话 (pǔ tōng huà)


其次 (qí cì)   气候 (qì hòu)   其中 (qí zhōng)   千万 (qiān wàn)   签证 (qiān zhèng)   桥 (qiáo)   敲 (qiāo)   巧克力 (qiǎo kè lì)   亲戚 (qīn qi)   轻 (qīng)   情况 (qíng kuàng)   轻松 (qīng sōng)   穷 (qióng)   取 (qǔ)   区别 (qū bié)   全部 (quán bù)   却 (què)   缺点 (quē diǎn)   缺少 (quē shǎo)   确实 (què shí)


然而 (rán ér)   热闹 (rè nao)   任何 (rèn hé)   任务 (rèn wu)   扔 (rēng)   仍然 (réng rán)   日记 (rì jì)   入口 (rù kǒu)


散步 (sàn bù)   森林 (sēn lín)   沙发 (shā fā)   商量 (shāng liang)   伤心 (shāng xīn)   稍微 (shāo wēi)   勺子 (sháo zi)   社会 (shè huì)   深 (shēn)   申请 (shēn qǐng)   甚至 (shèn zhì)   剩 (shèng)   省 (shěng)   生活 (shēng huó)   生命 (shēng mìng)   生意 (shēng yi)   使 (shǐ)   失败 (shī bài)   十分 (shí fēn)   是否 (shì fǒu)   师傅 (shī fu)   适合 (shì hé)   实际 (shí jì)   世纪 (shì jì)   失望 (shī wàng)   适应 (shì yìng)   使用 (shǐ yòng)   实在 (shí zài)   收 (shōu)   受不了 (shòu bù liǎo)   受到 (shòu dào)   首都 (shǒu dū)   售货员 (shòu huò yuán)   收入 (shōu rù)   收拾 (shōu shi)   首先 (shǒu xiān)   输 (shū)   数量 (shù liàng)   熟悉 (shú xī)   数字 (shù zì)   帅 (shuài)   顺便 (shùn biàn)   顺利 (shùn lì)   顺序 (shùn xù)   说明 (shuō míng)   硕士 (shuò shì)   死 (sǐ)   速度 (sù dù)   塑料袋 (sù liào dài)   酸 (suān)   随便 (suí biàn)   随着 (suí zhe)   孙子 (sūn zi)   所有 (suǒ yǒu)


台 (tái)   抬 (tái)   态度 (tài du)   谈 (tán)   弹钢琴 (tán gāng qín)   糖 (táng)   趟 (tàng)   躺 (tǎng)   汤 (tāng)   讨论 (tǎo lùn)   讨厌 (tǎo yàn)   特点 (tè diǎn)   提 (tí)   提供 (tí gōng)   提前 (tí qián)   提醒 (tí xǐng)   填空 (tián kòng)   条件 (tiáo jiàn)   挺 (tǐng)   停 (tíng)   通过 (tōng guò)   同情 (tóng qíng)   同时 (tóng shí)   通知 (tōng zhī)   推 (tuī)   推迟 (tuī chí)   脱 (tuō)


袜子 (wà zi)   完全 (wán quán)   网球 (wǎng qiú)   往往 (wǎng wǎng)   网站 (wǎng zhàn)   味道 (wèi dào)   卫生间 (wèi shēng jiān)   危险 (wēi xiǎn)   温度 (wēn dù)   文章 (wén zhāng)   无 (wú)   误会 (wù huì)   无聊 (wú liáo)   无论 (wú lùn)   污染 (wū rǎn)


西红柿 (xī hóng shì)   吸引 (xī yǐn)   咸 (xián)   现金 (xiàn jīn)   羡慕 (xiàn mù)   响 (xiǎng)   香 (xiāng)   相反 (xiāng fǎn)   橡皮 (xiàng pí)   相同 (xiāng tóng)   详细 (xiáng xì)   小吃 (xiǎo chī)   效果 (xiào guǒ)   笑话 (xiào hua)   小伙子 (xiǎo huǒ zi)   小说 (xiǎo shuō)   消息 (xiāo xi)   信封 (xìn fēng)   辛苦 (xīn kǔ)   心情 (xīn qíng)   信息 (xìn xī)   信心 (xìn xīn)   行 (xíng)   醒 (xǐng)   性别 (xìng bié)   兴奋 (xīng fèn)   幸福 (xìng fú)   性格 (xìng gé)   修理 (xiū lǐ)   许多 (xǔ duō)   学期 (xué qī)


呀 (ya)   牙膏 (yá gāo)   压力 (yā lì)   亚洲 (Yà zhōu)   盐 (yán)   演出 (yǎn chū)   严格 (yán gé)   眼镜 (yǎn jìng)   研究 (yán jiū)   演员 (yǎn yuán)   严重 (yán zhòng)   养成 (yǎng chéng)   阳光 (yáng guāng)   样子 (yàng zi)   邀请 (yāo qǐng)   钥匙 (yào shi)   要是 (yào shi)   页 (yè)   也许 (yě xǔ)   叶子 (yè zi)   以 (yǐ)   意见 (yì jiàn)   一切 (yí qiè)   艺术 (yì shù)   以为 (yǐ wéi)   因此 (yīn cǐ)   引起 (yǐn qǐ)   印象 (yìn xiàng)   赢 (yíng)   应聘 (yìng pìn)   勇敢 (yǒng gǎn)   永远 (yǒng yuǎn)   由 (yóu)   优点 (yōu diǎn)   友好 (yǒu hǎo)   邮局 (yóu jú)   幽默 (yōu mò)   尤其 (yóu qí)   有趣 (yǒu qù)   优秀 (yōu xiù)   友谊 (yǒu yì)   由于 (yóu yú)   与 (yǔ)   语法 (yǔ fǎ)   愉快 (yú kuài)   羽毛球 (yǔ máo qiú)   于是 (yú shì)   预习 (yù xí)   语言 (yǔ yán)   原来 (yuán lái)   原谅 (yuán liàng)   原因 (yuán yīn)   阅读 (yuè dú)   约会 (yuē huì)   云 (yún)   允许 (yǔn xǔ)


杂志 (zá zhì)   咱们 (zán men)   暂时 (zàn shí)   脏 (zāng)   责任 (zé rèn)   增加 (zēng jiā)   占线 (zhàn xiàn)   照 (zhào)   招聘 (zhāo pìn)   真正 (zhēn zhèng)   正常 (zhèng cháng)   正好 (zhèng hǎo)   整理 (zhěng lǐ)   证明 (zhèng míng)   正确 (zhèng què)   正式 (zhèng shì)   指 (zhǐ)   之 (zhī)   支持 (zhī chí)   值得 (zhí dé)   只好 (zhǐ hǎo)   直接 (zhí jiē)   质量 (zhì liàng)   至少 (zhì shǎo)   知识 (zhī shi)   植物 (zhí wù)   只要 (zhǐ yào)   职业 (zhí yè)   重 (zhòng)   重点 (zhòng diǎn)   重视 (zhòng shì)   周围 (zhōu wéi)   祝贺 (zhù hè)   著名 (zhù míng)   主意 (zhǔ yi)   赚 (zhuàn)   转 (zhuǎn)   专门 (zhuān mén)   专业 (zhuān yè)   准确 (zhǔn què)   准时 (zhǔn shí)   自然 (zì rán)   仔细 (zǐ xì)   自信 (zì xìn)   总结 (zǒng jié)   租 (zū)   最好 (zuì hǎo)   尊重 (zūn zhòng)   座 (zuò)   作家 (zuò jiā)   座位 (zuò wèi)   作用 (zuò yòng)   左右 (zuǒ yòu)   作者 (zuò zhě)

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爱情 (ài qíng) Example Sentence

你相信爱情吗?Do you believe in love?

安排 (ān pái) Example Sentence

他安排了明天的会议He arranged the meeting tomorrow

安全 (ān quán) Example Sentence

开车的时候要注意安全Take care when driving

按时 (àn shí) Example Sentence

按时睡觉对健康有好处Going to bed on time is beneficial for one's health

按照 (àn zhào) Example Sentence

按照规定,您的狗不可以带进这家酒店According to our rules, your dog is not allowed into this hotel

百分之 (bǎi​ fēn ​zhī) Example Sentences


棒 (bàng) Example Sentence

这份策划做得真棒This plan is really amazing

抱 (bào) Example Sentence

她抱着小儿子,站在家门口等丈夫回家With the baby in her arm she waits at the doorstep for her husband to come home

保护 (bǎo hù) Example Sentence

我们要保护森林We need to protect the forest

报名 (bào míng) Example Sentence

我想报名参加保护森林活动I want to sign up for the activities to protect the forest

抱歉 (bào qiàn) Example Sentence

很抱歉,我明天不能去I'm really sorry, but I can't come tomorrow

保证 (bǎo zhèng) Example Sentence

我保证下次再也不迟到了I guarantee you that I won't be late anymore

包子 (bāo zi) Example Sentence

他喜欢早饭吃包子He likes eating steamed buns for breakfast

倍 (bèi) Example Sentence

今年的失业人数是去年的两倍The number of unemployed people this year is double the number of last year

笨 (bèn) Example Sentence

我太笨了I'm simply too stupid

本来 (běn lái) Example Sentence

我本来不知道这件事,看了新闻才知道I didn't know about that before, just after I watched the news I became aware of it

比如 (bǐ rú) Example Sentence

他去过很多国家,比如法国、意大利He has been to many countries, two examples are France and Italy

毕业 (bì yè) Example Sentence

她邀请爸爸妈妈来参加她的毕业典礼She invites her parents to attend her graduation ceremony

遍 (biàn) Example Sentence

这本小说很好看,我看了三遍This novel is fantastic, I read it three times

表格 (biǎo gé) Example Sentence

请填写这张表格Please fill out this form

表示 (biǎo shì) Example Sentence

这个就表示他爱你What this means is he loves you

表演 (biǎo yǎn) Example Sentence

我家今天都去看我姐姐表演Today my family is going to watch my older sister perform (on stage)

表扬 (biǎo yáng) Example Sentence

不要只喜欢听表扬的话Don't only listen to praise

标准 (biāo zhǔn) Example Sentence

一个公司应该有自己的员工评价标准A company should have its own way of assessing its employees

饼干 (bǐng gān) Example Sentence

我很饿,他给了我一块饼干。I was very hungry but he gave me a cookie (which made things better)

并且 (bìng qiě) Example Sentence

她成功申请到了去北京大学学习的机会,并且拿到了奖学金She successfully applied for a chance to go study at Beijing University and even got a scholarship

博士 (bó shì) Example Sentence

今年暑假,她拿到了博士学位。She finished her PhD this summer

不得不 (bù dé bù) Example Sentence

丢了工作,他不得不到处跟朋友借钱交房租After losing his job he has no choice but ask one friend after the other for money to pay the rent

部分 (bù fen) Example Sentence

关于这件事,我只知道一部分情况Concerning that I only know part of the story

不管 (bù guǎn) Example Sentence

不管遇到多大的困难,我都会坚持下去Regardless of the difficulties, I will definitely stay strong and move forward

不过 (bú guò) Example Sentence

这不过是你的想象而已But that's only your wish

不仅 (bù jǐn) Example Sentence

这首歌不仅年轻人喜欢,年龄大的人也很喜欢This song is not only popular with young people, but also with older ones

擦 (cā) Example Sentence

桌子太脏了,你快擦擦吧The table is too dirty, go and wipe it

猜 (cāi) Example Sentence

如果我猜对了,有什么奖励?What do I get if I guess correctly?

材料 (cái liào) Example Sentence

你明天把这些材料送给张老师Give those documents to Mr/Mrs Zhang tomorrow

参观 (cān guān) Example Sentence

我明天想去博物馆参观,你愿意跟我一起去吗?I plan to go to the museum tomorrow, do you want to come along?

餐厅 (cān tīng) Example Sentence

那家餐厅的服务态度不太好The service at that restaurant isn't great

厕所 (cè suǒ) Example Sentence

厕所的马桶坏了The toilet is broken

差不多 (chà bu duō) Example Sentence

他弟弟和他差不多高His little brother and he himself are almost equally tall

尝 (cháng) Example Sentence

我能先尝一下再买吗?Can I try first before I buy?

场 (chǎng) Example Sentence

这是一场非常精彩的比赛This is a very exciting competition

长城 (Cháng chéng) Example Sentence

我去过长城三次I visited the Great Wall three times already

长江 (Cháng jiāng) Example Sentence

长江是中国最长的河The Yangtze River is China's longest river

超过 (chāo guò) Example Sentence

他的收入已经超过了大部分人His salary is already higher than that of most people

成功 (chéng gōng) Example Sentence

失败是成功之母Failure is the mother of success

诚实 (chéng shí) Example Sentence

家长要教育孩子做一个诚实的人Parents should raise their kids to become upright people

成为 (chéng wéi) Example Sentence

长大以后,她成为了一名演员After growing up, she became an actress

乘坐 (chéng zuò) Example Sentence

60岁以上的老人可以免费乘坐公交车People older than 60 can use the buses for free

吃惊 (chī jīng) Example Sentence

她的回答让老板感到很吃惊Her reply caught the boss by surprise

重新 (chóng xīn) Example Sentence

这本小说太好看了,我想再重新看一遍This novel is just too good, I want to read it again

抽烟 (chōu yān) Example Sentence

办公室里不能抽烟It is forbidden to smoke in the office

出差 (chū chāi) Example Sentence

我下星期去北京出差I go on a business trip to Beijing next week

出发 (chū fā) Example Sentence

明天咱们几点出发?When do we leave tomorrow?

厨房 (chú fáng) Example Sentence

我家的厨房很大,三个人一起做饭没问题Our kitchen is very big, no problem for three people to cook together

出生 (chū shēng) Example Sentence

昨天我妹妹出生了My sister was born yesterday

出现 (chū xiàn) Example Sentence

这个问题刚才出现过了This problem has just emerged

传真 (chuán zhēn) Example Sentence

请把你的作业传真给我吧Please fax me your homework

窗户 (chuāng hu) Example Sentence

这个窗户怎么那么脏呢?Why is this window so dirty?

词语 (cí yǔ) Example Sentence

我知道这个词语的意思I know what this expression means

从来 (cóng lái) Example Sentence

我从来不吃猪肉I have never been eating pork

粗心 (cū xīn) Example Sentence

他是一个粗心的人,总是丢东西He is a very careless person, he is always losing stuff

存 (cún) Example Sentence

明天我想去银行存点钱I want to go to the bank tomorrow to deposit some money

错误 (cuò wù) Example Sentence

对不起,我犯了一个错误Sorry, I made a mistake

答案 (dá àn) Example Sentence

这道题的答案我也不知道I don't know the answer to this question either

打扮 (dǎ ban) Example Sentence

明天要去约会,我要好好打扮一下Tomorrow I go to a meeting, I have to dress up a little

大概 (dà gài) Example Sentence

明天我大概7点到你家I will get to your house around 7 tomorrow

打扰 (dǎ rǎo) Example Sentence

她在工作,你别打扰她She is working, don't disturb her

大使馆 (dà shǐ guǎn) Example Sentence

明天我要去西班牙大使馆申请签证Tomorrow I want to go to the Spanish embassy to apply for a visa

打印 (dǎ yìn) Example Sentence

这个不用打印,昨天我已经打印完了This one doesn't need to get printed, I've done that yesterday already

大约 (dà yuē) Example Sentence

你大约几点能到?At what time are you expecting to be there

打招呼 (dǎ zhāo hu) Example Sentence

每次见到她,她都热情地和我打招呼Every time I see her she greets me enthusiastically

打折 (dǎ zhé) Example Sentence

请问这件衣服打折吗May I ask if this piece of cloth is on sale?

打针 (dǎ zhēn) Example Sentence

我最害怕打针Getting an injection is the thing I fear the most

戴 (dài) Example Sentence

外面很冷,你出去的时候戴上帽子吧It's quite cold outside, you should wear a hat when you go out

大夫 (dài fu) Example Sentence

我的身体不太舒服,明天想去看大夫I'm not feeling great, I'll go to see the doctor tomorrow

当 (dāng) Example Sentences

她以后想当明星She wants to become a celebrity
当我离开中国的时候,才发现我已经深深爱上了她When I was about to leave China I realized, that I had already fallen in love with her

当时 (dāng shí) Example Sentence

我当时不知道他的女朋友也学习汉语I didn't know at that time that his girlfriend also studies Mandarin

倒 (dào) Example Sentence

能帮我倒杯水吗?Can you fill my cup with water please?

刀 (dāo) Example Sentence

家里有小孩子,你得把刀放好There's a kid at home, you have to put the knife away

到处 (dào chù) Example Sentence

老板到处找你,你快去一趟他的办公室The boss is looking for you everywhere, quickly go to his office to see him

到底 (dào dǐ) Example Sentence

你到底爱我还是爱她So do you love me or her?

道歉 (dào qiàn) Example Sentence

这是你的错,你应该向他道歉This is your fault, you should apologize to him

导游 (dǎo yóu) Example Sentence

我想找个导游和我一起去长城I want to look for a travel guide to take me to the Great Wall

得意 (dé yì) Example Sentence

你别得意,下次我一定会做得比你好Don't be too happy with yourself, next time I'll definitely be better than you

得 (děi) Example Sentence

今天下午3点我得去图书馆学习。This afternoon at 3 I have to go to the library and study

等 (děng) Example Sentence

我喜欢很多运动,比如篮球、足球、网球等。I like many sports, e.g. basketball, football, tennis, etc.

登机牌 (dēng jī pái) Example Sentence

她嘱咐孩子把登机牌和护照放好She tells the kid to properly store/take care of the boarding pass and the passport

底 (dǐ) Example Sentence

她准备月底去旅游She's going travelling at the end of the month

低 (dī) Example Sentence

我对你的要求已经很低了What I am demanding from you is already very little

地点 (dì diǎn) Example Sentence

咱们定好下次见面的地点吧Let's fix the place to meet next time

地球 (dì qiú) Example Sentence

地球是我们大家的母亲,我们要保护她We have to protect mother earth

地址 (dì zhǐ) Example Sentence

这是那家公司的地址,你可以直接去找他们的老板This is the company's address, you can go there directly and look for the company's boss

掉 (diào) Example Sentence

我的笔掉到桌子底下了My pen fell under the table

调查 (diào chá) Example Sentence

公司最近想做一个关于消费者心理的调查Recently the company wants to do some research into the psyche of their customers

丢 (diū) Example Sentence

我的手机丢了,还得再买个新的I've lost my phone, I'll have to buy a new one

动作 (dòng zuò) Example Sentence

你不要做这个动作,不太礼貌Don't make a gesture like that, that's not very polite

堵车 (dǔ chē) Example Sentence

北京的交通很方便,但是经常堵车Traffic is convenient in Beijing, but traffic jams are quite common

肚子 (dù zi) Example Sentence

刚才吃了太多西瓜,现在有点肚子疼I just had too much water melon, now my belly hurts a bit

短信 (duǎn xìn) Example Sentence

你收到我的短信了吗?Have you received my text message?

对话 (duì huà) Example Sentence

这是一段让人不愉快的对话This dialog makes people sad

对面 (duì miàn) Example Sentence

快看,你对面的那个女孩儿长得真漂亮Look, the girl opposite to you is really pretty

对于 (duì yú) Example Sentence

对于我来说,家庭是最重要的For me, family comes first

而 (ér) Example Sentence

女朋友已经生气了,而他却没有感觉到His girlfriend is angry already, but he still doesn't seem to get it

儿童 (ér tóng) Example Sentence

6月1日是儿童节The first of June is children's day

法律 (fǎ lǜ) Example Sentence

很多人并不了解法律A lot of people simply don't understand the law

发生 (fā shēng) Example Sentence

发生了什么事情?What happened?

发展 (fā zhǎn) Example Sentence

你们公司的发展目标是什么?What's the growth target for your company

反对 (fǎn duì) Example Sentence

有人反对这个观点吗?Are there actually people against that?

烦恼 (fán nǎo) Example Sentence

每个人都有自己的烦恼Every person has their own problems

翻译 (fān yì) Example Sentence

请你帮我把这份材料翻译成汉语Please translate this document into Mandarin

房东 (fáng dōng) Example Sentence

她的房东是一个很友善的老太太Her landlord is a very nice old lady

方法 (fāng fǎ) Example Sentence

做事情要有方法You need to have an approach to tackle a problem successfully

方面 (fāng miàn) Example Sentence

关于这方面的问题,请您联系我们公司的经理Concerning that problem, please contact our company's manager

放弃 (fàng qì) Example Sentence

他放弃了出国留学的机会,大家都觉得很可惜He didn't take the chance to go abroad for studying, everybody thinks that's such a shame

放暑假 (fàng shǔ jià) Example Sentence

孩子们最喜欢放暑假Kids' biggest joy is starting into the summer holidays

放松 (fàng sōng) Example Sentence

和家人在一起的时间总是很开心很放松The time with family is always very happy and relaxed

方向 (fāng xiàng) Example Sentence

我们该往哪个方向走?Which way should we go?

份 (fèn) Example Sentence

要做好这份工作,每个人都有他的一份责任In order to doing this job well, everyone has their own field of responsibility

丰富 (fēng fù) Example Sentence

一般来说,春节的晚饭很丰富The Spring Festival dinner usually consists of a lot of dishes

否则 (fǒu zé) Example Sentence

减肥必须坚持,否则不会成功Losing weight is a long-term task, otherwise there is no chance to succeed.

富 (fù) Example Sentence

他从小就生活在富人区He has lived in a rich area since he was little

符合 (fú hé) Example Sentence

你这么做,不符合学校规定Doing this like this would not be in line with the school regulations

付款 (fù kuǎn) Example Sentence

客户还没有付款,我们不能发货The customer hasn't paid yet, don't make the deliver as of yet

父亲 (fù qīn) Example Sentence

他的父亲只是一个普通的农民Your dad is just a normal farmer

复印 (fù yìn) Example Sentence

请把这份文件复印三份Please make three copies of this document

复杂 (fù zá) Example Sentence

你的方法太复杂,还是听我的吧Your way is too complicated, let's do it my way

负责 (fù zé) Example Sentence

他负责这件事情,你打电话给他吧He is responsible for this, you should call him

改变 (gǎi biàn) Example Sentence

如果你不喜欢现在的生活,就去改变它If you don't like your current lifestyle, go and change it

干 (gàn) Example Sentence

这个工作得你去干,我没有时间You have to do that work, I don't have time

敢 (gǎn) Example Sentences

你敢不敢?Are you brave enough?
我不敢回家告诉我爸爸妈妈I don't dare to go home and tell my father and mother

赶 (gǎn) Example Sentence

我要努力才能赶上其他同学I need to work hard to be able to catch up with my classmates

干杯 (gān bēi) Example Sentence

来,我们大家干杯Cheers everybody!

感动 (gǎn dòng) Example Sentence

那个演员的演出太精彩了了,我感动得哭了The actor’s performance was too good, I was so moved, I started crying

感觉 (gǎn jué) Example Sentence

我感觉不太舒服,有点头疼I don't feel very well, my head hurts a little

感情 (gǎn qíng) Example Sentence

她和她爸爸的感情很好She gets along well with her dad

感谢 (gǎn xiè) Example Sentence

感谢你,一直帮助我Thanks for helping me all the time

刚 (gāng) Example Sentences

我刚刚到了北京I just arrived in Beijing
我刚想给你打电话I just wanted to give you a call

高速公路 (gāo sù gōng lù) Example Sentence

请问,高速公路的入口在哪儿?Excuse me, where can I get onto the highway?

各 (gè) Example Sentence

他们各要了一瓶啤酒和一瓶可乐Each of them ordered a glass of beer and a glass of coke

胳膊 (gē bo) Example Sentence

我的胳膊受过伤,拿不了重东西My arm was injured before, so I can't lift heavy things

功夫 (gōng fu) Example Sentence

她最近工作比较忙,没工夫做家务She's been really busy at work recently, so she doesn't have any power for doing housework

公里 (gōng lǐ) Example Sentence

北京到上海大约1500公里。Beijing to Shanghai is approximately 1500km

共同 (gòng tóng) Example Sentence

看足球比赛是我们共同的爱好。Watching football is our shared hobby

工资 (gōng zī) Example Sentence

我每个月的工资只有不到2000块。My monthly salary is only slightly below 2000 bucks

够 (gòu) Example Sentence

我们一共三个人,买三瓶水就够了,别多买。We're 3 people, buying 3 bottles of water is enough, no need to buy more

购物 (gòu wù) Example Sentence

他的女朋友最喜欢购物His girlfriend loves shopping

估计 (gū jì) Example Sentence

我估计明天7点左右能到I'll probably be there tomorrow around 7

顾客 (gù kè) Example Sentence

商家应该更加关注顾客的需求Businesses should focus more on the needs of customers

鼓励 (gǔ lì) Example Sentence

家长要学会正确鼓励孩子的方式Parents should learn how to properly encourage their kids

故意 (gù yì) Example Sentence

我不是故意骗你的I didn't intentionally lie to you

挂 (guà) Example Sentence

把衣服挂起来,别乱放Properly hang the clothes, don't randomly drop them

关键 (guān jiàn) Example Sentence

学好语言的关键是开口说Starting to actually use a new language is the most important step to mastering it

管理 (guǎn lǐ) Example Sentence

她把公司管理得非常好She manages the company very well

观众 (guān zhòng) Example Sentence

表演十分精彩,观众们都站起来为演员们鼓掌The show was amazing and the crowd is on their feet applauding the actors

逛 (guàng) Example Sentence

明天我想去逛街I want to go shopping tomorrow

光 (guāng) Example Sentence

小孩子不能光喜欢吃肉,还应该多吃水果Kids shouldn't just eat meat, it would be good if they eat quite a bit of fruits as well

广播 (guǎng bō) Example Sentence

他每天都要听广播He listens to the broadcast every day

广告 (guǎng gào) Example Sentence

我不喜欢看电视广告I don't like watching TV

规定 (guī dìng) Example Sentence

你们公司有什么规定?What's the common rule in your company for that?

过程 (guò chéng) Example Sentence

我也不知道这件事的过程I'm not familiar with the details about that either

国籍 (guó jí) Example Sentence

他不想改变国籍He doesn't want to change his citizenship

国际 (guó jì) Example Sentence

这家公司想进入国际市场This company wants to expand internationally

果汁 (guǒ zhī) Example Sentence

你要哪种果汁?Which kind of juice do you want?

害羞 (hài xiū) Example Sentence

别害羞,告诉大家你的想法Don't be shy, tell us your idea

海洋 (hǎi yáng) Example Sentence

她是一名海洋学家She is an oceanographer

汗 (hàn) Example Sentence

他很紧张,手心里都出了汗He is very nervous, his palms are sweating

寒假 (hán jià) Example Sentence

寒假结束了,她得回到学校学习了The winter holidays are over, she has to go back to university to continue her degree

航班 (háng bān) Example Sentence

你知道她坐哪个航班回北京吗?Do you know which flight she takes back to Beijing?

好处 (hǎo chu) Example Sentence

经常锻炼,对身体有好处Exercising regularly is good for the body

号码 (hào mǎ) Example Sentence

你的电话号码是多少?What's your phone number?

好像 (hǎo xiàng) Example Sentence

她长得好像一个电影明星She looks like a famous actress

合格 (hé gé) Example Sentence

她是一名合格的员工She is a very competent employee

合适 (hé shì) Example Sentence

这件衣服你穿起来很合适This piece looks great on you

盒子 (hé zi) Example Sentence

你知道这个盒子里是什么吗?Do you know what's in this box?

厚 (hòu) Example Sentence

明天很冷,你出门时穿点厚衣服It's going to be cold tomorrow, wear some proper clothes when you go out

后悔 (hòu huǐ) Example Sentence

她从来没有后悔放弃了出国留学的机会She never regretted not going abroad for studying

互联网 (hù lián wǎng) Example Sentence

我在中国最大的互联网公司工作I work at China's biggest IT company

护士 (hù shi) Example Sentence

我的妈妈是一位护士My mum is a nurse

互相 (hù xiāng) Example Sentence

好朋友应该互相帮助Good friends should help each other

怀疑 (huái yí) Example Sentences

他笑得有点奇怪,我怀疑他在做一些我们不知道的事His smile was kind of strange, I suspect he is doing something that we don't know
我怀疑他是不是真的懂汉语I doubt if he really understands Chinese

回忆 (huí yì) Example Sentence

小时候和朋友一起玩的日子,是最美好的回忆Thinking back to the days when I was small and was playing with the other kids, that's the nicest memory of all

火 (huǒ) Example Sentence

火对于人们十分重要Fire is immensely important for mankind

获得 (huò dé) Example Sentence

他获得了博士学位He now has a PhD

活动 (huó dòng) Example Sentence

不要一直坐在椅子上,站起来活动一下身体Don't always sit around, get up and move your body a bit

活泼 (huó pō) Example Sentence

她有一个十分活泼的妹妹She has a very active little sister

寄 (jì) Example Sentence

我想给我女朋友寄一张中国的明信片I want to send my girlfriend a post card from China

基础 (jī chǔ) Example Sentence

要想了解这方面的情况,我们必须做一些基础研究To understand this particular matter, we have to gain some basic knowledge first

激动 (jī dòng) Example Sentence

我太激动了,忘了自我介绍I'm too excited, so I forgot to introduce myself

计划 (jì huà) Example Sentence

你的计划是什么What's your plan?

积极 (jī jí) Example Sentence

她在汉语课上总是很积极She's always very active during Chinese class

积累 (jī lěi) Example Sentence

学习需要一点一点积累Learning is a step by step process

既然 (jì rán) Example Sentence

既然你不喜欢她,就和她分手吧Given that you don't like her, it might be best for you to break up

及时 (jí shí) Example Sentence

你要把这份文件及时送到公司You need to deliver this document to the company on time

即使 (jí shǐ) Example Sentence

即使明天不下雨,我也不去长城Even if it isn't raining tomorrow, I'm still not going to the Great Wall

技术 (jì shù) Example Sentence

这个是技术问题That's a skill/technology problem

继续 (jì xù) Example Sentence

我想留在中国继续学习汉语I want to stay in China to continue studying Mandarin

记者 (jì zhě) Example Sentence

她的男朋友是个记者Her boyfriend is a reporter

假 (jiǎ) Example Sentence

她买了一些假花放在房间She bought some fake flowers to put in the room

加班 (jiā bān) Example Sentence

她每天都要加班,很辛苦She's working overtime every day, that's very tough

价格 (jià gé) Example Sentence

牛肉的价格比猪肉价格高Beef is more expensive than pork

家具 (jiā jù) Example Sentence

她搬了新家,想买一些新家具She moved to a new home and wants to buy some new furniture

加油站 (jiā yóu zhàn) Example Sentence

在加油站不能吸烟You're not allowed to smoke at the petrol station

坚持 (jiān chí) Example Sentence

他每天坚持跑步半小时。I go jogging every day for half an hour

减肥 (jiǎn féi) Example Sentence

我太胖了,需要减肥了。I'm too fat, I have to lose weight

减少 (jiǎn shǎo) Example Sentence

随着科技的发展,这种商品在市场上逐渐减少了Due to recent innovations, this kind of product is slowly phased out

建议 (jiàn yì) Example Sentence

欢迎大家多提建议We invite everybody to bring forward their ideas

降低 (jiàng dī) Example Sentence

降低成本能提高利润Lowering the price can increase profit

奖金 (jiǎng jīn) Example Sentence

他赢得了这笔奖金He won that scholarship

将来 (jiāng lái) Example Sentence

我将来想成为一名演员I want to become an actor in the future

降落 (jiàng luò) Example Sentence

飞机将于三十分钟之后降落The plane will be landing in 30 minutes

交 (jiāo) Example Sentence

他喜欢交朋友He likes making new friends

骄傲 (jiāo ào) Example Sentence

他是一个特别骄傲的人,公司里的同事都不喜欢他He's a very cocky person, nobody at the company likes him

交流 (jiāo liú) Example Sentence

有什么想法可以去找她交流What would be an excuse to get in a conversation with her?

郊区 (jiāo qū) Example Sentence

她家住在郊区Her family lives in the suburbs

教授 (jiào shòu) Example Sentence

她是我们学校最年轻的教授She is the youngest professor at our school

交通 (jiāo tōng) Example Sentence

北京的交通很方便Getting around in Beijing is very convenient

教育 (jiào yù) Example Sentence

很多父母不知道如何教育孩子A lot of parents don't know how to educate their kids

饺子 (jiǎo zi) Example Sentence

中国人很喜欢吃饺子Chinese like eating dumplings a lot

节 (jié) Example Sentence

她买了三节电池She bought 3 batteries

结果 (jié guǒ) Example Sentence

结果和过程哪个重要?Process or result, what's more important?

解释 (jiě shì) Example Sentence

你得和我解释一下You have to explain that to me

接受 (jiē shòu) Example Sentence

这是我送给你的小礼物,请你接受I want to give you this small gift, I hope that is fine with you

节约 (jié yuē) Example Sentence

请节约用水用电Please save water and electricity

接着 (jiē zhe) Example Sentence

她喝了杯咖啡接着工作了After having a cup of coffee she continues her work

尽管 (jǐn guǎn) Example Sentence

尽管她不喜欢这份工作,但是为了生活,她还是坚持做了下去Even though she doesn't like her job, she still keeps at it to be able to make a living

进行 (jìn xíng) Example Sentence

所有的工作都在进行中Everything's in the making

紧张 (jǐn zhāng) Example Sentence

表演马上就要开始了,演员们有一点儿紧张The show is about to start, the actors are a little nervous

禁止 (jìn zhǐ) Example Sentence

办公室里禁止吸烟It's forbidden to smoke in the office

精彩 (jīng cǎi) Example Sentence

如何才能让生活过得精彩How can you make your life wonderful

警察 (jǐng chá) Example Sentence

你不要着急,警察马上就到Don't worry, the police will be here shortly

经济 (jīng jì) Example Sentence

中国经济发展得很快The Chinese economy is growing fast

京剧 (jīng jù) Example Sentence

你听过京剧吗?Have you seen Beijing Opera before?

经历 (jīng lì) Example Sentence

一个人在国外上学,他经历了很多事情A person studying abroad is experiencing a lot

竟然 (jìng rán) Example Sentence

没想到,她竟然是我们公司的老板I didn't expect him to be the boss of our company

景色 (jǐng sè) Example Sentence

这里的景色真美啊The scenery here is just stunning

经验 (jīng yàn) Example Sentence

你有过工作经验吗?Do you have any working experience?

竞争 (jìng zhēng) Example Sentence

不要害怕竞争,要在竞争中不断成长Don't fear the competition, use the competition to grow

镜子 (jìng zi) Example Sentence

妈妈对女儿说:“别总是照镜子,快点儿学习”Mum is telling her daughter: Don't always look at the mirror, concentrate on studying

究竟 (jiū jìng) Example Sentence

他换了很多工作,因为他也不知道自己究竟想做什么He changed jobs frequently because he doesn't know what he actually wants to do

举 (jǔ) Example Sentence

谁还没有领到材料,请举手Who hasn't received the material yet? Please raise your hand!

举办 (jǔ bàn) Example Sentence

公司周日举办舞会,你参加吗?The company is hosting a ball on Sunday, do you come?

聚会 (jù huì) Example Sentence

他这个周末要去参加大学同学聚会He's going to attend a university reunion this weekend

拒绝 (jù jué) Example Sentence

如果我拒绝了他,他会生气吗?If I decline, would she be angry?

距离 (jù lí) Example Sentence

你现在的汉语,离HSK6还有一段距离Your level of Chinese is still quite far away from HSK 6

举行 (jǔ xíng) Example Sentence

下个星期我公司举行会议,所以我现在很忙Next week my company is holding a conference, so I'm really busy right now

开玩笑 (kāi wán xiào) Example Sentence

现在不是开玩笑的时候!Now is not the right time for joking!

开心 (kāi xīn) Example Sentence

昨天的聚会很开心,大家喝了很多酒The party yesterday was great, everybody had quite a lot of alcohol

看法 (kàn fǎ) Example Sentence

别人对你的看法不重要,重要的是你自己想要什么It doesn't matter what other people think about you. What really matters is what you want

考虑 (kǎo lǜ) Example Sentence

关于和他结婚的问题,她想再仔细考虑一下。Concerning marrying him, she wants to think through things properly.

烤鸭 (kǎo yā) Example Sentence

我从来没吃过烤鸭I have never had Beijing duck in my life

棵 (kē) Example Sentence

我家门口有一棵苹果树There is an apple tree at the entry to my house

可怜 (kě lián) Example Sentence

他生病了,没有人照顾,很可怜He is sick, but has nobody to take care of him, poor guy

可是 (kě shì) Example Sentence

我想今天去长城,可是下雨了I actually wanted to go to the Great Wall today, but it's raining

咳嗽 (ké sou) Example Sentence

我感冒了,有点咳嗽,请问我买哪种药比较好?I have a cold, also a little bit of a cough, which medicine should I buy?

客厅 (kè tīng) Example Sentence

吃完晚饭,他会和妻子一起在客厅看电视After finishing dinner, he and his wife are watching TV in the living room

可惜 (kě xī) Example Sentence

昨天的演出很精彩,可惜你没去Yesterday's performance was amazing, what a pity you didn't go

科学 (kē xué) Example Sentence

什么是科学?这个问题的答案很难回答What is science? It is difficult to answer this question.

肯定 (kěn dìng) Example Sentence

明天我肯定把钱还给你I will definitely return the money tomorrow

空 (kòng) Example Sentence

你明天有空去看电影吗?Do you have time tomorrow to go to the cinema?

恐怕 (kǒng pà) Example Sentence

明天我恐怕没有时间,以后再说吧I'm afraid I don't have time tomorrow, let's talk again afterwards

空气 (kōng qì) Example Sentence

城市的空气污染很严重The smog in the city is horrible

苦 (kǔ) Example Sentence

生活有酸有甜也有苦Life is sweet and sour, and sometimes also bitter

矿泉水 (kuàng quán shuǐ) Example Sentence

你等我一下,我去买瓶矿泉水Wait a bit, I go and buy a bottle of mineral spring water

困 (kùn) Example Sentence

昨天晚上12点才睡,现在真困I fell asleep at 12 yesterday, today I'm really tired

困难 (kùn nan) Example Sentence

写汉字对我来说很困难Writing characters is quite tricky for me

辣 (là) Example Sentence

这个菜太辣了This dish is too spicy

拉 (lā) Example Sentence

他拉着儿子的手,一起去公园玩He took his son's hand and went to the park with him to play

垃圾桶 (lā jī tǒng) Example Sentence

垃圾桶满了,你去扔垃圾吧The rubbish bin is full, please go and empty it

来不及 (lái bu jí) Example Sentence

电影八点开始,现在7点四十,我怕来不及了The film starts at 8, now it's 7:40, I'm afraid that's not enough time

来得及 (lái de jí) Example Sentence

别着急,时间来得及Relax, there's plenty of time left

来自 (lái zì) Example Sentence

我们班的同学来自世界各地My classmates come from all over the world

懒 (lǎn) Example Sentence

她的室友太懒了,总不打扫房间Her roommate is too lazy, he/she is never cleaning the room.

浪费 (làng fèi) Example Sentence

你不要浪费时间Don't waste time

浪漫 (làng màn) Example Sentence

她是一个浪漫的人She's a romantic person

老虎 (lǎo hǔ) Example Sentence

老虎生活在森林里Tigers live in forests

冷静 (lěng jìng) Example Sentence

越是在关键时刻,越不能着急,越应该冷静The closer you get to the critical moment, the more you shouldn't rush but rather be calm

礼拜天 (lǐ bài tiān) Example Sentence

他每个礼拜天都会去爬山Every Sunday he is going hiking

理发 (lǐ fà) Example Sentence

我的头发太长了,这周末我一定要去理发。My hair is too long, this weekend I definitely have to go and get it cut

厉害 (lì hai) Example Sentences

今天我的牙疼得很厉害。My tooth is aching a lot today
听说他的汉语考试得了满分。太厉害了!I heard he got full points on his Mandarin test, very impressive!

理解 (lǐ jiě) Example Sentence

她的想法很奇怪,很难理解。Her thought is very weird and difficult to get

礼貌 (lǐ mào) Example Sentence

我的妹妹是一个非常懂礼貌的好孩子。My little sister is a very polite little kid

力气 (lì qi) Example Sentence

他花了很大力气,才完成工作He worked very hard to get the job done

例如 (lì rú) Example Sentence

中国有很多重要的节日,例如春节、清明节China has many important holidays, e.g. Spring Festival or the Qingming Festival

理想 (lǐ xiǎng) Example Sentence

这次考试的结果不太理想The test result isn't ideal this time

俩 (liǎ) Example Sentence

我们俩是从小的好朋友We've been friends since we were little

连 (lián) Example Sentence

把这个和电脑连起来,就好了Connect this with the computer together, then it should be fine

联系 (lián xì) Example Sentence

回国之后,你一定得和我保持联系,别把我忘了After returning home we'll have to keep in touch, don't forget me

凉快 (liáng kuai) Example Sentence

秋天的天气很凉快很舒服The weather in autumn is nice cool, very pleasant

零钱 (líng qián) Example Sentence

这是找您的零钱This is your change

另外 (lìng wài) Example Sentence

请帮我把这份材料打印30份,另外再买30支笔Please print this material 30 times and also buy 30 pens

留 (liú) Example Sentence

他想一直留在中国工作He wants to stay and work in China forever

流利 (liú lì) Example Sentence

她的汉语很流利Her Mandarin is fluent

流行 (liú xíng) Example Sentence

她喜欢听流行音乐She likes to listen to pop music

律师 (lǜ shī) Example Sentence

我们需要请一名律师We need to hire a lawyer

旅行 (lǚ xíng) Example Sentence

我下个星期去北京旅行Next week I'll travel to Beijing

乱 (luàn) Example Sentence

你的房间太乱了Your room is very untidy

麻烦 (má fan) Example Sentence

服务员,不好意思,麻烦您帮我换一双新筷子Waiter, excuse me, please give me a new pair of chopsticks

马虎 (mǎ hu) Example Sentence

他是一个十分马虎的人He is a very negligent person

满 (mǎn) Example Sentence

这个停车场满了,我们去别处看看吧This parking lot is full, let's go and try somewhere else

毛 (máo) Example Sentence

她对狗毛过敏She's allergic to dogs

毛巾 (máo jīn) Example Sentence

我想去超市买一条毛巾I want to go to the shop to buy a towel

美丽 (měi lì) Example Sentence

美丽和聪明,哪一个对于女人来说更重要?Beauty or intelligence, what's more important for a woman?

梦 (mèng) Example Sentence

晚安,好梦Good night, nice dreams

迷路 (mí lù) Example Sentence

她在手机里下载了导航软件,从此再也不迷路了She downloaded a navigation app to her smartphone, from now on she won't get lost anymore

密码 (mì mǎ) Example Sentence

我忘记了我的银行卡密码,怎么办?I forgot the password for my bank account, what should I do?

免费 (miǎn fèi) Example Sentence

那家饭店中午有免费汤This restaurant serves free soup for lunch

秒 (miǎo) Example Sentence

一分钟有多少秒?How many seconds does one minute have?

民族 (mín zú) Example Sentence

中国有56个民族China has 56 minority groups

目的 (mù dì) Example Sentence

我来中国的目的是好好学习汉语The purpose of me coming to China is to study Chinese properly

母亲 (mǔ qīn) Example Sentence

黄河是中国的母亲河The Yellow River is the Mother River of China

耐心 (nài xīn) Example Sentence

照顾小孩子需要很有耐心Taking care of the kids requires a lot of patience

难道 (nán dào) Example Sentence

他难道没告诉你今天考试吗?Do not tell me nobody has told you that we have a test today.

难受 (nán shòu) Example Sentence

她感冒了,全身都难受。She got a cold, the whole body is aching.

内 (nèi) Example Sentence

办公室内不准吸烟It is not allowed to smoke in the office

内容 (nèi róng) Example Sentence

今天上课的内容太难了The content of today's class was too difficult

能力 (néng lì) Example Sentence

工作能力很重要Job skills are very important

年龄 (nián líng) Example Sentence

你的年龄也不小了,快点结婚吧You're also not that young anymore, would be time to marry somebody!

弄 (nòng) Example Sentence

你要是不会修,就别弄了If you don't know how to repair it, don't touch it

暖和 (nuǎn huo) Example Sentence

春天到了,天气暖和了It's spring, the weather is getting warmer

偶尔 (ǒu ěr) Example Sentence

他不喜欢中国菜,但是偶尔会陪女朋友一起去吃He doesn't like Chinese food, but sometimes he accompanies his girlfriend to a Chinese dinner

排队 (pái duì) Example Sentence

请大家自觉排队Please queue properly

排列 (pái liè) Example Sentence

请把这些数字从小到大排列Please put these numbers in order, starting with the smallest

判断 (pàn duàn) Example Sentence

我相信你的判断I trust your judgement

陪 (péi) Example Sentence

明天你能陪我去医院吗Can you come to the hospital with me tomorrow?

皮肤 (pí fū) Example Sentence

她的皮肤真好Her skin looks amazing

批评 (pī píng) Example Sentence

别人批评你的时候,你会怎么办?What are you doing when other people criticise you?

脾气 (pí qi) Example Sentence

新来的老板脾气不太好,经常发火The new boss has bad temper, he/she often loses it

骗 (piàn) Example Sentence

你不要骗我,事情的真相我都知道Don't fool me, I know the truth

篇 (piān) Example Sentence

那位教授想写一篇关于中国饮食的文章This professor wants to write an article about Chinese cuisine

乒乓球 (pīng pāng qiú) Example Sentence

中国人很喜欢打乒乓球Chinese love playing table tennis

平时 (píng shí) Example Sentence

已经八点了,平时这个时间,他早下班了It's already 8, normally he has left work already at that time

破 (pò) Example Sentence

他不小心把窗户打破了。He accidently broke the window

普遍 (pǔ biàn) Example Sentence

这种做法在中国很普遍This practice is very common in China

葡萄 (pú tao) Example Sentences

我买了一些葡萄I bought some grapes
喝点葡萄酒吧Drink some wine

普通话 (pǔ tōng huà) Example Sentence

你会说普通话吗?Can you speak Mandarin?

其次 (qí cì) Example Sentence

他找女朋友,首先看长相,其次看工作When looking for a girlfriend looks are a priority for him, next comes the job of the potential partner

气候 (qì hòu) Example Sentence

全球气候正在变暖The world climate is getting warmer

其中 (qí zhōng) Example Sentence

他们公司有20个人,其中3个是中国人His company has 20 employees, 3 of whom are Chinese

千万 (qiān wàn) Example Sentence

明天8点开会,你千万别忘了Don't forget the meeting at 8 tomorrow

签证 (qiān zhèng) Example Sentence

你准备好申请签证的材料了吗?Have you prepared all the documents for the visa application?

桥 (qiáo) Example Sentence

这座桥叫什么名字?What's the name of that bridge?

敲 (qiāo) Example Sentence

她没有敲门就直接走进来了She entered without knocking

巧克力 (qiǎo kè lì) Example Sentence

我要减肥,不能吃巧克力I want to lose weight, that's why I can't eat chocolate

亲戚 (qīn qi) Example Sentence

我有一个住在中国的亲戚,他是我爸爸的表弟I have relatives in China, he's my father's cousin

轻 (qīng) Example Sentence

这双鞋很轻,很舒服This pair of shoes is very light, very comfortable

情况 (qíng kuàng) Example Sentence

我也不知道具体情况,你还是给他打电话问问吧I don't know the details either, still best if you give him a call and ask

轻松 (qīng sōng) Example Sentence

工作都做完了,他感到十分轻松The work is finished, he feels very relieved

穷 (qióng) Example Sentence

穷并不可怕,可怕的是不去想办法改变它Being poor isn't that bad, bad is to not think about a way to get out of that situation

取 (qǔ) Example Sentence

我下午想去银行取一点儿钱I want to go to the bank this afternoon to get some cash

区别 (qū bié) Example Sentence

我不知道怎么区别红茶和绿茶,你能教教我吗?I don't know how to distinguish black and green tea, can you teach me?

全部 (quán bù) Example Sentence

这些工作全部由他一个人完成All those things have been finished by him

却 (què) Example Sentence

她如此喜欢他,他却不知道Don't you know how much she likes him?

缺点 (quē diǎn) Example Sentence

每个人都有自己的优点,也有自己的缺点Every person has his/her good and bad sides

缺少 (quē shǎo) Example Sentence

公司现在缺少一名律师The company is currently lacking a lawyer

确实 (què shí) Example Sentence

这对于他来说,确实是一个难得的机会This is definitely a very rare opportunity for him

然而 (rán ér) Example Sentence

她有很多朋友,然而内心却很孤单Even though she has a lot of friends, she feels lonely inside

热闹 (rè nao) Example Sentence

快要春节了,到处都很热闹Spring festival is coming, it's getting busy everywhere

任何 (rèn hé) Example Sentence

你有任何问题,都可以给我打电话If you have any questions, please give me a call

任务 (rèn wu) Example Sentence

她成功地完成了老板交给她的任务She successfully finished the task the boss gave her

扔 (rēng) Example Sentence

顺便帮我把垃圾扔了吧Please help me to take out the garbage on the way

仍然 (réng rán) Example Sentence

虽然这个问题解决了,但是公司仍然有很多问题没有解决Even though this very problem has been solved, there are still a lot of other problems left to solve in the company

日记 (rì jì) Example Sentence

现在的人们没有时间写日记了Today's people have no time to write diary

入口 (rù kǒu) Example Sentence

向左走30米就是公园的入口了Walk 30 meters towards the left, then you will get to the entrance of the park

散步 (sàn bù) Example Sentence

吃完饭去散散步是一个很好的习惯Going for a walk after meals is a very good habit

森林 (sēn lín) Example Sentence

我家旁边就是一片森林There is a forest next to my house

沙发 (shā fā) Example Sentence

我的爸爸妈妈买了一张新的沙发,太舒服了!My parents bought a new sofa, it's so comfortable!

商量 (shāng liang) Example Sentence

他有件事想找你商量He wants to consult you concerning a certain matter

伤心 (shāng xīn) Example Sentence

女朋友昨天和他分手了,他很伤心His girlfriend broke up with him yesterday, he is very sad

稍微 (shāo wēi) Example Sentence

这件衣服稍微有点大This piece of cloth is a little bit too big

勺子 (sháo zi) Example Sentence

请帮我拿一把勺子Please hand me a spoon

社会 (shè huì) Example Sentence

社会上有很多不文明行为The society is full of uncivilized behaviour

深 (shēn) Example Sentence

他最喜欢深蓝色I like dark blue best

申请 (shēn qǐng) Example Sentence

她想申请去美国读大学She wants to apply to study in America

甚至 (shèn zhì) Example Sentence

这个问题太简单了,甚至小孩子都知道This question is too easy, even small kids know that

剩 (shèng) Example Sentence

剩下的工作,交给我吧The remaining work you can leave for me

省 (shěng) Example Sentence

把车停在这儿可以省些钱You can save some money by parking the car here

生活 (shēng huó) Example Sentence

她不喜欢大城市的生活She doesn't like living in a big town

生命 (shēng mìng) Example Sentence

人的生命只有一次You only live once

生意 (shēng yi) Example Sentence

我听说你生意最近很不错I heard your business is going really well recently

使 (shǐ) Example Sentence

这可以使学生知道学习汉语多么有意思This can make students understand how interesting studying Mandarin can be

失败 (shī bài) Example Sentence

失败是成功之母Failure is the mother of success

十分 (shí fēn) Example Sentence

男朋友来参加她的毕业典礼,她十分高兴Her boyfriend is coming to her graduation ceremony, she's very excited

是否 (shì fǒu) Example Sentence

他不知道自己是否应该辞职He doesn't know if he should resign

师傅 (shī fu) Example Sentence

司机师傅,我去首都国际机场Driver, I'm going to the international airport

适合 (shì hé) Example Sentence

这件衣服你穿着很合适This piece fits you very well

实际 (shí jì) Example Sentence

你想得容易,实际有很多困难It sounds simple, but in reality it's quite difficult

世纪 (shì jì) Example Sentence

二十一世纪是科技的世纪The 21st century is the century of technology

失望 (shī wàng) Example Sentence

他一直努力工作,不想让父母失望He's working really hard to not disappoint his parents

适应 (shì yìng) Example Sentence

她逐渐地适应了这里湿润的气候She slowly got used to the humid climate here

使用 (shǐ yòng) Example Sentence

你要尽快学会使用它You have to hurry learning how to use it

实在 (shí zài) Example Sentence

我实在很喜欢这部电影。I really like this film

收 (shōu) Example Sentence

他送了朋友一只小狗,朋友开心地收下了He gave his friend a little dog, his friend happily accepted the gift

受不了 (shòu bù liǎo) Example Sentence

北京的夏天太热了,真让人受不了Summer in Beijing is so hot, it's hard to bear

受到 (shòu dào) Example Sentence

演出结束之后,她受到了大家的关注After the show she received everybody's praise

首都 (shǒu dū) Example Sentence

北京市是中国的首都Beijing is the capital of China

售货员 (shòu huò yuán) Example Sentence

售货员的工作很辛苦Being a shop assistant is hard work

收入 (shōu rù) Example Sentence

售货员的收入并不高Shop assistants don't earn much

收拾 (shōu shi) Example Sentence

他每周日收拾房间Every Sunday he's tidying up his room

首先 (shǒu xiān) Example Sentence

首先应该学会做人,然后才是学做事First you have to learn to deal with people, after that you can learn how to handle things as such

输 (shū) Example Sentence

他输了比赛,很难过He lost the competition, very disappointing

数量 (shù liàng) Example Sentence

买东西不能只关注数量,还应该关注质量When buying things the number isn't the only thing that counts, quality counts as well

熟悉 (shú xī) Example Sentence

二十年后,他回到了老家,一切还是他熟悉的样子After 20 years he returned home, everything was still the same

数字 (shù zì) Example Sentence

你的幸运数字是多少?What's your lucky number?

帅 (shuài) Example Sentence

她的男朋友长得特别帅Her boyfriend is very handsome

顺便 (shùn biàn) Example Sentence

你能顺便帮我买瓶可乐吗?As you're on the way, can you help me buy a bottle of Coke?

顺利 (shùn lì) Example Sentence

祝你一切顺利I wish you the best

顺序 (shùn xù) Example Sentence

请大家按顺序进场Please enter the venue following the signs

说明 (shuō míng) Example Sentence

这件事说明他不是一个诚实的人This case shows you that he isn't a trustworthy person

硕士 (shuò shì) Example Sentence

他获得了硕士学位He has finished his Master

死 (sǐ) Example Sentence

他的小狗死了His little dog has died

速度 (sù dù) Example Sentence

新老师说话的速度太快了,我什么也没听懂The new teacher talks too quick, I can't understand anything

塑料袋 (sù liào dài) Example Sentence

我们要保护环境,少用塑料袋We should protect the environment and use less plastic bags

酸 (suān) Example Sentence

西瓜酸了,不能吃了。Don't eat sour water melons

随便 (suí biàn) Example Sentence

请随便吃,今天我请客Please eat, I'm paying today

随着 (suí zhe) Example Sentence

随着中国经济的发展,越来越多的人开始学习汉语Because of the rise of China more and more people learn Mandarin

孙子 (sūn zi) Example Sentence

他有三个孙子,两个孙女He has 3 grandsons and 2 granddaughters

所有 (suǒ yǒu) Example Sentence

他喜欢吃所有的中国菜He loves eating any kind of Chinese food

台 (tái) Example Sentence

他想送给妈妈一台洗衣机He wants to buy his mum a washing machine

抬 (tái) Example Sentence

箱子太重了,你能帮我抬一下吗?The luggage is too heavy, can you help me?

态度 (tài du) Example Sentence

对不起,我刚才的态度不太好I'm sorry, my attitude just now wasn't ok

谈 (tán) Example Sentence

你有时间吗?我有话想找你谈一谈Do you have time? I want to talk to you

弹钢琴 (tán gāng qín) Example Sentence

你会弹钢琴吗?Can you play the piano?

糖 (táng) Example Sentence

孩子很喜欢吃糖Kids like eating sweets

趟 (tàng) Example Sentence

今天他不在,你明天再来一趟吧He is not here today, come back tomorrow

躺 (tǎng) Example Sentence

我躺在床上,却怎么也睡不着I'm lying in bed but can't sleep

汤 (tāng) Example Sentence

你喜欢喝什么汤?What kind of soup do you like?

讨论 (tǎo lùn) Example Sentence

咱们得开个会讨论一下这个问题We should have a meeting to discuss that question

讨厌 (tǎo yàn) Example Sentence

你最讨厌什么?What do you dislike the most?

特点 (tè diǎn) Example Sentence

这种手机的特点是外观漂亮This phone is special because it is beautiful

提 (tí) Example Sentence

老师应该鼓励学生多提问题The teacher should encourage the students to ask more questions

提供 (tí gōng) Example Sentence

酒店提供免费洗衣服务The hotel provides a free service for washing clothes

提前 (tí qián) Example Sentence

明天的会议很重要,你应该提前到The meeting tomorrow is very important. You should be there early

提醒 (tí xǐng) Example Sentence

请别忘了提醒你的同学,明天会下雨Please don't forget to remind your classmates that it might be raining tomorrow

填空 (tián kòng) Example Sentence

这次考试最难的题是填空题The most difficult questions in this test are filling in the blanks

条件 (tiáo jiàn) Example Sentences

努力学习是学好一门语言的重要条件Studying hard is an important precondition for learning a language well
我们没有最好的条件,但是我们有最好的人We don't have the best conditions, but we have the best people

挺 (tǐng) Example Sentence

学好外语是一件挺难的事。To really learn a foreign language is quite a tricky task.

停 (tíng) Example Sentences

明天停课Tomorrow is off
你在那边停车吧You can park the car over there

通过 (tōng guò) Example Sentence

她通过了面试,得到了那份工作。She passed the interview stage and got the job.

同情 (tóng qíng) Example Sentence

他是一个很有同情心的人He is very compassionate

同时 (tóng shí) Example Sentence

他不仅是一位科学家,同时也是一位艺术家He's not just a scientist but also an artist

通知 (tōng zhī) Example Sentence

请你通知一下别的同学,明天不上课Please let the other students know that tomorrow's class will be cancelled

推 (tuī) Example Sentence

你帮我推一下车Help me to push the car

推迟 (tuī chí) Example Sentence

明天的会议推迟到后天Tomorrow's meeting was postponed to the day after tomorrow

脱 (tuō) Example Sentence

请问,进房间需要脱鞋吗May I ask, do I need to take my shoes off before I enter the room?

袜子 (wà zi) Example Sentence

他喜欢穿白色的袜子He likes wearing white socks

完全 (wán quán) Example Sentence

你的答案跟我完全不同Your answer is very different from mine

网球 (wǎng qiú) Example Sentence

她最喜欢的运动就是打网球Tennis is simply the sport she likes the most

往往 (wǎng wǎng) Example Sentence

人们往往因伤心而流泪People often cry because they feel hurt

网站 (wǎng zhàn) Example Sentence

她想找人为自己的公司做一个网站She's looking for somebody to make a website for her company

味道 (wèi dào) Example Sentence

那家咖啡店的咖啡味道特别好The coffee this coffee shop makes smells amazing

卫生间 (wèi shēng jiān) Example Sentence

请问,卫生间在哪儿?Excuse me, where is the bathroom?

危险 (wēi xiǎn) Example Sentence

今天刮台风,很危险,你不要出去There's a typhoon today, very dangerous, don't go out

温度 (wēn dù) Example Sentence

北京的夏天温度很高It's very hot during summer in Beijing

文章 (wén zhāng) Example Sentence

非常感谢你阅读我的文章。Thanks a lot for reading my article

无 (wú) Example Sentence

我别无选择,只有继续前进I have no other choice but keep going on

误会 (wù huì) Example Sentence

你别误会,他不是我的男朋友To avoid confusion, he's not my boyfriend

无聊 (wú liáo) Example Sentence

周末一个人在家,很无聊I'm alone at home this weekend, very boring

无论 (wú lùn) Example Sentence

无论刮风下雨,他总是准时到公司上班Regardless of the weather he always arrives at work on time

污染 (wū rǎn) Example Sentence

大城市的污染都很严重The pollution in big cities is quite serious

西红柿 (xī hóng shì) Example Sentence

西红柿是水果吗?Are tomatoes fruits?

吸引 (xī yǐn) Example Sentence

他看到她的第一眼,就被她的美丽深深吸引了After seeing her for the first time her beauty immediately made him fall for her

咸 (xián) Example Sentence

吃太咸的东西对身体不好Eating too salty isn't good for your body

现金 (xiàn jīn) Example Sentence

旅行的时候,最好不要带太多现金When travelling, it's best to not bring too much cash

羡慕 (xiàn mù) Example Sentence

不要总是羡慕别人的生活Don't constantly envy other people's life

响 (xiǎng) Example Sentence

谁的手机在响?Whose phone is ringing?

香 (xiāng) Example Sentence

这道菜闻起来真香This dish smells amazing

相反 (xiāng fǎn) Example Sentence

他的做法正好和我相反His method is the exact opposite to mine

橡皮 (xiàng pí) Example Sentence

我的橡皮找不着了I can't find my eraser

相同 (xiāng tóng) Example Sentence

他的想法完全相同He is thinking the same

详细 (xiáng xì) Example Sentence

请你再说得详细一点儿Please repeat again with some more details

小吃 (xiǎo chī) Example Sentence

你吃过哪些北京小吃?What Beijing delicacies have you tried before?

效果 (xiào guǒ) Example Sentence

效果并不理想The result wasn't ideal

笑话 (xiào hua) Example Sentence

他经常给大家讲笑话He likes telling jokes

小伙子 (xiǎo huǒ zi) Example Sentence

他是个非常帅气的小伙子He is a very handsome boy

小说 (xiǎo shuō) Example Sentence

你喜欢看什么小说?What novel do you like?

消息 (xiāo xi) Example Sentence

你从哪儿知道的这个消息?Where did you get that information from?

信封 (xìn fēng) Example Sentence

信封里面什么也没有The envelope is empty

辛苦 (xīn kǔ) Example Sentence

虽然这份工作很辛苦,但是他很喜欢Even though his job is very demanding, he likes it a lot

心情 (xīn qíng) Example Sentence

她最近心情不太好Her mood hasn't been great recently

信息 (xìn xī) Example Sentence

这是一个信息时代This is an information era

信心 (xìn xīn) Example Sentence

你对明天的比赛有信心吗?Are you going into tomorrow's competition with confidence?

行 (xíng) Example Sentence

行,明天我去帮你搬家Ok, I'll help you move to your new place tomorrow

醒 (xǐng) Example Sentence

我今天早上5点就醒了I woke up at 5 today

性别 (xìng bié) Example Sentence

大部分人们支持性别平等Most people support sexual equality

兴奋 (xīng fèn) Example Sentence

比赛马上就要开始了,观众们都很兴奋The competition is about to start, the audience is very excited

幸福 (xìng fú) Example Sentence

她觉得自己的生活很幸福She thinks her life is quite satisfying

性格 (xìng gé) Example Sentence

她的性格很活泼She's very lively

修理 (xiū lǐ) Example Sentence

他在汽车修理公司工作He's working at a car repair company

许多 (xǔ duō) Example Sentence

许多年后,他才知道事情的真相。It was only many years later that he discovered the truth.

学期 (xué qī) Example Sentence

新学期开始了,我打算好好学习The new term has started, I plan to study diligently

呀 (ya) Example Sentence

你来了呀,我正想去找你Great that you are here, I was just going to look for you

牙膏 (yá gāo) Example Sentence

我的牙膏用完了,想去超市买I've used up my toothpaste, I need to go to the shop to by a new one

压力 (yā lì) Example Sentence

现在这份工作压力太大了,他想换一份工作The pressure I have at work at the moment is too high, I want to change jobs

亚洲 (Yà zhōu) Example Sentence

亚洲最长的河流是长江Yangtse river is Asia's longest river

盐 (yán) Example Sentence

盐吃多了,对身体不好It's not good for the body to eat too much salt

演出 (yǎn chū) Example Sentence

我昨天看了大熊猫的演出,很精彩I watched a panda show yesterday, it was great

严格 (yán gé) Example Sentence

他是一个十分严格的老板He is a really strict boss

眼镜 (yǎn jìng) Example Sentence

你的眼镜是哪里买的?Where did you buy your glasses?

研究 (yán jiū) Example Sentence

你回家好好研究一下这个字怎么用Go home and research how to use this word properly

演员 (yǎn yuán) Example Sentence

她是一位有名的中国演员She is a famous Chinese actress

严重 (yán zhòng) Example Sentence

城市的空气污染很严重The smog level in the city is quite severe

养成 (yǎng chéng) Example Sentence

每天早睡早起,养成好习惯Going to bed early and getting up early every day, that's a good thing to get used to

阳光 (yáng guāng) Example Sentence

今天的阳光真好,我们去海边吧It's really sunny today, let's go to the beach!

样子 (yàng zi) Example Sentence

她喜欢看他认真工作的样子She likes to see him being focused on his work

邀请 (yāo qǐng) Example Sentence

我能邀请你跳一支舞吗Can I ask you for a dance?

钥匙 (yào shi) Example Sentence

我的钥匙忘在家里了I forgot my keys at home

要是 (yào shi) Example Sentence

要是你有时间,也来参加我们的周末聚会吧If you have time, come and attend our weekend gathering

页 (yè) Example Sentence

请打开书第四页Please open the book on page 4

也许 (yě xǔ) Example Sentence

我也许下个星期去上海I might go to Shanghai next week

叶子 (yè zi) Example Sentence

他喜欢收集各种树的叶子He likes collecting leaves of all sorts of trees

以 (yǐ) Example Sentence

人们可以通过改进科技以得到更方便的生活People are able to invent new technology to improve life as a whole

意见 (yì jiàn) Example Sentence

你有什么意见,尽管告诉我If there is any problem with this, please let me know now

一切 (yí qiè) Example Sentence

钱不能解决一切问题Money can't solve everything

艺术 (yì shù) Example Sentence

艺术来自生活Art is based on life

以为 (yǐ wéi) Example Sentence

你还在吗?我以为你昨天去了北京You are still here? I thought you went to Beijing yesterday

因此 (yīn cǐ) Example Sentence

他腿受伤了,因此不能参加足球比赛了My foot is injured, therefore I can't join the football match

引起 (yǐn qǐ) Example Sentence

这条新闻引起了大家的关注Everybody paid attention to this news story

印象 (yìn xiàng) Example Sentence

老板对他的第一印象很好Her first impression on the boss was good

赢 (yíng) Example Sentence

他赢得了这场比赛He won that competition

应聘 (yìng pìn) Example Sentence

他想去酒吧应聘服务员She wants to get a job at a bar

勇敢 (yǒng gǎn) Example Sentence

家长应该鼓励孩子做一个勇敢的人Parents should encourage their kids to become daring people

永远 (yǒng yuǎn) Example Sentence

永远到底有多远Does forever really mean forever?

由 (yóu) Example Sentence

这个手机是由我们公司制造的This mobile phone is a product of our company

优点 (yōu diǎn) Example Sentence

要学会看到别人的优点,而不是缺点You should learn to cherish other people’s positive sides and not concentrate on the negative ones

友好 (yǒu hǎo) Example Sentence

他是一个十分友好的人He is a very friendly person

邮局 (yóu jú) Example Sentence

请问,邮局周末休息吗?Excuse me, is the post office open on the weekend?

幽默 (yōu mò) Example Sentence

他是一个幽默的人He has great humour

尤其 (yóu qí) Example Sentence

他对中国文化尤其感兴趣He's particularly interested in Chinese culture

有趣 (yǒu qù) Example Sentence

那个教授的课很有趣This professor's classes are very special

优秀 (yōu xiù) Example Sentence

他是一位非常优秀的演员He's an outstanding actor

友谊 (yǒu yì) Example Sentence

真正的友谊永远不会变Real friendship will last forever

由于 (yóu yú) Example Sentence

由于工作失误,他被老板开除了Because he failed at his job, the boss fired him

与 (yǔ) Example Sentence

我们公司一直与那家公司保持着合作Our company has been working together with that company for a long time

语法 (yǔ fǎ) Example Sentence

我觉得汉语语法很难I think Chinese grammar is very difficult

愉快 (yú kuài) Example Sentence

跟他合作很愉快Working with him is a joy

羽毛球 (yǔ máo qiú) Example Sentence

我想去打羽毛球,你们谁也想去?I want to go play badminton, who wants to go as well?

于是 (yú shì) Example Sentence

我们公司明年准备跟一家中国公司合作,于是老板为大家请了一位汉语老师Our company will start working together with a Chinese company next year, therefore our boss hired a Mandarin teacher for us

预习 (yù xí) Example Sentence

明天老师要讲新课,我准备今天晚上预习一下Tomorrow our teacher will start with a new lesson, I intend to preview that this evening

语言 (yǔ yán) Example Sentence

学习一门新的语言,就像打开了一个新世界的大门Studying a new language is like opening a door to a new world

原来 (yuán lái) Example Sentence

原来他已经结婚了,我还以为他是单身呢I didn't know he's already married, I thought he was still single

原谅 (yuán liàng) Example Sentence

请你原谅我,我不是故意骗你的Please forgive me, I didn't betray you on purpose

原因 (yuán yīn) Example Sentence

你知道你失败的原因是什么吗?Do you know why you failed?

阅读 (yuè dú) Example Sentence

她经常阅读一些关于中国历史的书She's often reading books about Chinese history

约会 (yuē huì) Example Sentence

周末她要和男朋友一起约会On the weekend she is meeting with her boyfriend

云 (yún) Example Sentence

今天云很多,晚上可能会下雨Today there are lots of clouds, maybe it will be raining in the evening

允许 (yǔn xǔ) Example Sentence

法律不允许你这样做Doing this is against the law

杂志 (zá zhì) Example Sentence

请问,这本杂志多少钱?Excuse me, how much is this magazine?

咱们 (zán men) Example Sentence

咱们坐地铁去吧Let's go by subway

暂时 (zàn shí) Example Sentence

他暂时还不想回国He doesn't want to return home for the time being

脏 (zāng) Example Sentence

雨水把我的鞋弄脏了The rain made my shoes dirty

责任 (zé rèn) Example Sentence

每个人都有自己的责任Every person has some sort of responsibility

增加 (zēng jiā) Example Sentence

今年来我们学校学习汉语的人比去年增加了100名This year the number of students learning Mandarin at our school is 100 higher than last year

占线 (zhàn xiàn) Example Sentence

她的手机占线,我一会儿再打给她The line is busy, I'll call her again later

照 (zhào) Example Sentence

来,大家过来照一下Everybody come over for a photo

招聘 (zhāo pìn) Example Sentence

每年七月我们的公司都会招聘新员工Every July our company will recruit new employees

真正 (zhēn zhèng) Example Sentence

来中国以前,他不知道真正的中国是什么样子。Before I came to China, I did not know what the real China was like.

正常 (zhèng cháng) Example Sentence

在中国,孩子结婚后和父母一起住是很正常的事。It is quite common for children to keep on living with their parents after they are married.

正好 (zhèng hǎo) Example Sentence

你来得正好,我正要去找你You are coming at exactly the right time, I was just going to look for you.

整理 (zhěng lǐ) Example Sentence

他不喜欢整理房间He does not like tidying up his room

证明 (zhèng míng) Example Sentence

他这么做,证明他还爱你By doing things like this he proves that he still loves you

正确 (zhèng què) Example Sentence

你的答案是正确的Your answer is correct

正式 (zhèng shì) Example Sentence

明天公司要开大会,请大家穿得正式一点Tomorrow there is an important company meeting, we kindly ask everybody to dress a little bit more formal

指 (zhǐ) Example Sentence

她指了指前边的那个男孩,告诉我那是她男朋友She pointed at the guy over there and told me, he is her boyfriend

之 (zhī) Example Sentence

他是民族之骄傲He is the pride of his people

支持 (zhī chí) Example Sentence

不要难过,我支持你Don't worry, I will support you

值得 (zhí dé) Example Sentence

我喜欢这本书,花多少钱买都值得I like this book, I'd pay any amount to buy it, it's definitely worth it

只好 (zhǐ hǎo) Example Sentence

忘带钱包了,我只好跟朋友借钱了I forgot to bring my purse, so I have to borrow some money from my friends

直接 (zhí jiē) Example Sentence

这件事我不知道,你直接问她吧I don't know about that, it's best you ask her directly

质量 (zhì liàng) Example Sentence

这件衣服不贵,但是质量很好This piece of cloth is not expensive, but the quality is really good

至少 (zhì shǎo) Example Sentence

我看了至少100本中国小说I've read at least 100 Chinese novels

知识 (zhī shi) Example Sentence

知识就是力量Knowledge is power

植物 (zhí wù) Example Sentence

他喜欢在家里养些绿色植物He likes to grow some green plants at home

只要 (zhǐ yào) Example Sentence

只要明天不下雨,我们就去长城As long as it doesn't rain we'll be going to the Great Wall tomorrow

职业 (zhí yè) Example Sentence

你最喜欢的职业是什么What's your favourite job?

重 (zhòng) Example Sentence

我的行李超重了My luggage is heavier than allowed

重点 (zhòng diǎn) Example Sentence

这次考试的重点都记住了吗?Are the main points for the next test clear?

重视 (zhòng shì) Example Sentence

她是老板最重视的员工Of all employees the boss values her the most

周围 (zhōu wéi) Example Sentence

学校周围有很多饭店There are a lot of restaurants around the school

祝贺 (zhù hè) Example Sentence

祝贺你,这次演出非常成功Congratulation, the show was a huge success

著名 (zhù míng) Example Sentence

他是世界著名的功夫明星。He is a word famous Kong Fu master

主意 (zhǔ yi) Example Sentence

这个主意不错This is a great idea

赚 (zhuàn) Example Sentence

他去年开了家饭店,赚了很多钱。He opened a restaurant last year and earned a lot of money

转 (zhuǎn) Example Sentence

你在前面转车Turn the car around over there

专门 (zhuān mén) Example Sentence

他这次是专门来找老板谈生意的This time he came just to talk about business with the boss

专业 (zhuān yè) Example Sentence

这个学生的专业是计算机技术。This student is an IT major

准确 (zhǔn què) Example Sentence

你的发音都很准确Your pronunciation is on point

准时 (zhǔn shí) Example Sentence

明天开会,你一定要准时到We have a meeting tomorrow, make sure you're on time

自然 (zì rán) Example Sentence

她外表看起来很自然,但是心里十分紧张She's looking calm on the outside, but inside she's very nervous

仔细 (zǐ xì) Example Sentence

这件事我想再仔细考虑一下I want to think about that properly again

自信 (zì xìn) Example Sentence

她总是缺乏自信She's always lacking self-confidence

总结 (zǒng jié) Example Sentence

我得把今天开会的内容总结一下Let me sum up the content of today's meeting

租 (zū) Example Sentence

我想租一辆自行车I want to rent a bike

最好 (zuì hǎo) Example Sentence

你最好先给他打个电话It's best if you give him a call first

尊重 (zūn zhòng) Example Sentence

要学会尊重别人One should learn to respect others

座 (zuò) Example Sentence

北京是一座有名的城市Beijing is a famous city

作家 (zuò jiā) Example Sentence

这位作家很有名This author is really famous

座位 (zuò wèi) Example Sentence

不好意思,我可以跟你换一下座位吗?Excuse me, can I change seats with you?

作用 (zuò yòng) Example Sentence

这个东西那么贵,它有什么作用?This thing is so expensive, what is it good for?

左右 (zuǒ yòu) Example Sentence

我们五点左右在学校见面吧Let's meet at around 5 at the school

作者 (zuò zhě) Example Sentence

他就是那部小说的作者He is the author of that novel

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

This vocabulary guide contains all 11,092 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 7-9. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2021 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.
HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

This vocabulary guide contains all 5000 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 6. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2012 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.

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