HSK 2 Example Sentences (HSK 2.0)

Example sentences for all 150 HSK 2 vocabulary – learn how to use each of the HSK 1 words in a sentence.
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吧 (ba)   白 (bái)   百 (bǎi)   帮助 (bāng zhù)   报纸 (bào zhǐ)   比 (bǐ)   别 (bié)   宾馆 (bīn guǎn)


长 (cháng)   唱歌 (chàng gē)   出 (chū)   穿 (chuān)   次 (cì)   从 (cóng)   错 (cuò)


大家 (dà jiā)   打篮球 (dǎ lán qiú)   到 (dào)   得 (de)   等 (děng)   弟弟 (dì di)   第一 (dì yī)   懂 (dǒng)   对 (duì)   对 (duì)


房间 (fáng jiān)   非常 (fēi cháng)   服务员 (fú wù yuán)


高 (gāo)   告诉 (gào su)   哥哥 (gē ge)   给 (gěi)   公共汽车 (gōng gòng qì chē)   公司 (gōng sī)   贵 (guì)   过 (guo)


还 (hái)   孩子 (hái zi)   好吃 (hǎo chī)   黑 (hēi)   红 (hóng)   火车站 (huǒ chē zhàn)


机场 (jī chǎng)   鸡蛋 (jī dàn)   件 (jiàn)   教室 (jiào shì)   姐姐 (jiě jie)   介绍 (jiè shào)   进 (jìn)   近 (jìn)   就 (jiù)   觉得 (jué de)


咖啡 (kā fēi)   开始 (kāi shǐ)   考试 (kǎo shì)   课 (kè)   可能 (kě néng)   可以 (kě yǐ)   快 (kuài)   快乐 (kuài lè)


累 (lèi)   离 (lí)   两 (liǎng)   零 (líng)   路 (lù)   旅游 (lǚ yóu)


卖 (mài)   慢 (màn)   忙 (máng)   每 (měi)   妹妹 (mèi mei)   门 (mén)   面条 (miàn tiáo)


男 (nán)   您 (nín)   牛奶 (niú nǎi)   女 (nǚ)


旁边 (páng biān)   跑步 (pǎo bù)   便宜 (pián yi)   票 (piào)


起床 (qǐ chuáng)   妻子 (qī zi)   千 (qiān)   铅笔 (qiān bǐ)   晴 (qíng)   去年 (qù nián)


让 (ràng)   日 (rì)


上班 (shàng bān)   身体 (shēn tǐ)   生病 (shēng bìng)   生日 (shēng rì)   时间 (shí jiān)   事情 (shì qing)   手表 (shǒu biǎo)   手机 (shǒu jī)   说话 (shuō huà)   送 (sòng)   虽然 x 但是 y (suī​ rán x dàn​ shì y)


它 (tā)   题 (tí)   踢足球 (tī zú qiú)   跳舞 (tiào wǔ)


外 (wài)   完 (wán)   玩 (wán)   晚上 (wǎn shang)   往 (wǎng)   为什么 (wèi shén me)   问 (wèn)   问题 (wèn tí)


洗 (xǐ)   西瓜 (xī guā)   希望 (xī wàng)   笑 (xiào)   小时 (xiǎo shí)   新 (xīn)   姓 (xìng)   休息 (xiū xi)   雪 (xuě)


眼睛 (yǎn jing)   颜色 (yán sè)   羊肉 (yáng ròu)   药 (yào)   要 (yào)   也 (yě)   已经 (yǐ jīng)   一起 (yì qǐ)   意思 (yì si)   一下 (yī ​xià)   阴 (yīn)   因为 x 所以 y (yīn ​wèi x suǒ​ yǐ y)   右边 (yòu bian)   游泳 (yóu yǒng)   鱼 (yú)   远 (yuǎn)   运动 (yùn dòng)


再 (zài)   早上 (zǎo shang)   丈夫 (zhàng fu)   找 (zhǎo)   着 (zhe)   真 (zhēn)   正在 (zhèng zài)   知道 (zhī dào)   准备 (zhǔn bèi)   走 (zǒu)   最 (zuì)   左边 (zuǒ bian)

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吧 (ba) Example Sentences

你去看他吧You should go and see him
你吃些东西吧Eat a little bit!
这是他妈妈吧?That is his mum, right?
你是北京人吧?You are from Beijing, right?

白 (bái) Example Sentence

白色是我最喜欢的颜色White is my favourite colour

百 (bǎi) Example Sentences


帮助 (bāng zhù) Example Sentence

这个问题我不懂,你可以帮助我吗?I do not get this question, can you help me?

报纸 (bào zhǐ) Example Sentence

每天早上我都看报纸Every morning I read the newspaper

比 (bǐ) Example Sentences

你比她漂亮You are more beautiful than her
这些东西比那些多These things are more than those
今天比昨天热It is warmer today than yesterday
今天的天气比昨天好The weather today is better than yesterday
我吃得比你多I ate more than you
我吃的东西比你多I ate more (things) than you
我说得比你好I speak better than you
我汉语比你好My Chinese is better than yours

别 (bié) Example Sentences

别说你不喜欢我Do not say you do not like me
别的女人没有你漂亮Other girls are not as beautiful as you are

宾馆 (bīn guǎn) Example Sentence

在北京宾馆比较贵The hotels in Beijing are relatively expensive

长 (cháng) Example Sentence

坐火车去北京要多长时间?How long does it take to get to Beijing by train?

唱歌 (chàng gē) Example Sentence

我的妻子很会唱歌My wife is very good at singing

出 (chū) Example Sentence

你出去吧Go outside!

穿 (chuān) Example Sentence

今天很冷,你多穿一点衣服It is quite cold today, wear some warmer clothes

次 (cì) Example Sentences

我已经去过北京三次了I have been to Beijing for three times already
每次我去这个商店人都很多Each time I am going to this shop there are loads of people

从 (cóng) Example Sentence

我从这里坐火车去北京I am going from here to Beijing by train

错 (cuò) Example Sentence

这是你的错That is your fault

大家 (dà jiā) Example Sentences

大家好Hello everybody
大家怎么样?How is everybody doing?

打篮球 (dǎ lán qiú) Example Sentence

很多中国人都喜欢打篮球A lot of Chinese like playing basketball

到 (dào) Example Sentence

我到了I arrived

得 (de) Example Sentences

你说得对You are right, I agree
你说得很好You are talking very well
你在说汉语You are speaking Chinese
你说汉语说得很好Your Chinese is very good
你说话说得很好You are talking very well
你说话说得很好You are talking very well

等 (děng) Example Sentences

他还在学校,我们在这里等他He is still at school, let's wait for him here
好,我们在这里等一下Ok, we are waiting a little bit here
等一下one moment!

弟弟 (dì di) Example Sentence

我的弟弟比我小四岁My brother is 4 years younger than me

第一 (dì yī) Example Sentences

我是第一I am first
我是第二I am second
我是第二个I am second
第三个人来了The third person arrived
第五个字你写得很好The fifth character you wrote very well

懂 (dǒng) Example Sentences

我不懂I do not understand
我听不懂I do not understand what you say

对 (duì) Example Sentence

这对我来说太难了This is too difficult for me

对 (duì) Example Sentence

你说得对You are right

房间 (fáng jiān) Example Sentence

我的房间很小My room is very small

非常 (fēi cháng) Example Sentences

这个电脑非常好This computer is great
这个电脑是非常好的This computer is very good

服务员 (fú wù yuán) Example Sentence

服务员,再来一个米饭Waiter, another bowl of rice

高 (gāo) Example Sentence

你好高You are very tall

告诉 (gào su) Example Sentence

我告诉你,他很有钱I am telling you, he is rich

哥哥 (gē ge) Example Sentence

我的哥哥比我大三岁My brother is 3 years older than me

给 (gěi) Example Sentences

我给你I give (this) to you
我送给你I give (this) to you (as a present)
你可以给我一杯水吗?Can you give me a glass of water?

公共汽车 (gōng gòng qì chē) Example Sentence

我每天坐公共汽车去学校Every day I am going to school by bus

公司 (gōng sī) Example Sentence

我朋友开了一家公司My friend founded a company

贵 (guì) Example Sentence

这个太贵了This is too expensive

过 (guo) Example Sentences

我买过一本书I have bought a book (before)
你去过北京吗?Have you ever been to Beijing?
我去过北京I have been to Beijing
你去过北京吗?Have you ever been to Beijing?
我没去过I have never gone (been there)

还 (hái) Example Sentence

他为什么还没来?Why is he still not here?

孩子 (hái zi) Example Sentence

你的孩子跑得很快Your kid is running very fast

好吃 (hǎo chī) Example Sentence

这个菜很好吃This meal is delicious

黑 (hēi) Example Sentence

这里很黑It is very dark here

红 (hóng) Example Sentences

这个苹果很红This apple is very red
他很红He is very popular/famous

火车站 (huǒ chē zhàn) Example Sentences

我是在火车站吃饭的I ate something at the train station
火车站在哪儿?Where is the train station?

机场 (jī chǎng) Example Sentence

中国有很多新的机场In China there are a lot of new airports

鸡蛋 (jī dàn) Example Sentence

我每天吃两个鸡蛋I eat two eggs every day

件 (jiàn) Example Sentence

我想买这件衣服I want to buy this piece of clothing

教室 (jiào shì) Example Sentence

我们的教室在哪儿?Where is our classroom?

姐姐 (jiě jie) Example Sentence

我朋友爱上了我姐姐My friend fell in love with my older sister

介绍 (jiè shào) Example Sentence

请你给我介绍一下你的朋友Please introduce your friend to me

进 (jìn) Example Sentence

你进去吧Go inside!

近 (jìn) Example Sentence

这个商店离我学校很近This shop is near my school

就 (jiù) Example Sentences

我们就快到了We are almost there
他们明天就去北京They are going to Beijing tomorrow

觉得 (jué de) Example Sentence

我觉得你说得对I think you are right

咖啡 (kā fēi) Example Sentence

我爸爸很喜欢喝咖啡My dad really likes drinking coffee

开始 (kāi shǐ) Example Sentence

我们的课现在开始Our class starts now

考试 (kǎo shì) Example Sentence

今天考试怎么样?How was the test today?

课 (kè) Example Sentences

我们每天八点上课We start with classes at 8 everyday
我很喜欢我们的汉语课I like our Chinese lessons

可能 (kě néng) Example Sentence

我们可能不能去北京旅游Maybe we cannot go travelling to Beijing

可以 (kě yǐ) Example Sentence

我们可以去你家吗?Can we go to your place?

快 (kuài) Example Sentence

你开得很快You are driving very fast

快乐 (kuài lè) Example Sentences

生日快乐Happy birthday
我很快乐I am very happy

累 (lèi) Example Sentence

你累不累?Are you tired?

离 (lí) Example Sentence

这个饭馆离我家很远This restaurant is far away from my home

两 (liǎng) Example Sentences

我买了一本书I bought a book
我买了两本书I bought two books
这里有两个人There are two people here
这里有十二个人There are 12 people here

零 (líng) Example Sentences

零下四-4 (for temperature)
零下十一-11 (for temperature)

路 (lù) Example Sentences

我们走路去吧Let's walk there
在北京的路上车很多There are loads of cars on the streets in Beijing

旅游 (lǚ yóu) Example Sentence

我明天去北京旅游Tomorrow I am going to Beijing to travel

卖 (mài) Example Sentences

我的衣服太多了,我要卖一些I have too many clothes, I have to sell a couple
我卖水果I sell fruits

慢 (màn) Example Sentence

你开得很慢You are driving very slowly

忙 (máng) Example Sentence

我今天很忙,你可以明天来吗?I am very busy today, can you come tomorrow?

每 (měi) Example Sentences

我每天学汉语I study Chinese every day
每个人吃了一块Each person ate one piece

妹妹 (mèi mei) Example Sentence

我妹妹很漂亮My younger sister is very beautiful

门 (mén) Example Sentence

我们一个星期有三门课We have 3 different kinds of lessons per week

面条 (miàn tiáo) Example Sentence

北京的面条特别好吃Beijing noodles are extremely delicious

男 (nán) Example Sentence

我是男人I'm a man

您 (nín) Example Sentences

老师,您好(greeting the teacher)
您做的菜很好吃Your food is delicious

牛奶 (niú nǎi) Example Sentence

喝点牛奶吧Drink some milk!

女 (nǚ) Example Sentence

他不是女人,他是男人He's not a girl, he's a guy

旁边 (páng biān) Example Sentence

我的大学在医院的旁边My university is next to the hospital

跑步 (pǎo bù) Example Sentence

我每个星期天都去跑步Every Sunday I am going for a run

便宜 (pián yi) Example Sentence

这个东西很便宜This thing is very cheap

票 (piào) Example Sentence

公共汽车的票很便宜The bus ticket is very cheap

起床 (qǐ chuáng) Example Sentence

你什么时候起床?When are you getting up?

妻子 (qī zi) Example Sentence

你的妻子在哪儿?Where is your wife?

千 (qiān) Example Sentences


铅笔 (qiān bǐ) Example Sentence

明天考试的时候一定要用铅笔At the test tomorrow it is mandatory to use pencils

晴 (qíng) Example Sentence

一月三日,星期五,晴3rd of January, Friday, sunny

去年 (qù nián) Example Sentences

我去年来了北京I came to Beijing last year
去年我来了北京Last year I came to Beijing
我是去年来北京的I came to Beijing last year

让 (ràng) Example Sentences

我不让你去I do not allow you to go
他让我很高兴He makes me very happy

日 (rì) Example Sentences

8月3日August 3rd
一天1 day
四天4 days

上班 (shàng bān) Example Sentence

这个星期我好忙,我明天早点上班I am very busy this week, I will go to work earlier tomorrow

身体 (shēn tǐ) Example Sentence

你身体怎么样?How are you doing (health)?

生病 (shēng bìng) Example Sentence

我生病了I am sick

生日 (shēng rì) Example Sentence

明天是我的生日Tomorrow is my birthday

时间 (shí jiān) Example Sentences

我明天有时间Tomorrow I have time
从6点到10点我有时间From 6 to 10 I am free
你什么时候有时间去看电影?When do you have time to go to the cinema?

事情 (shì qing) Example Sentence

你忙吗?我有一些事情要和你说Are you busy? I have some things I want to talk about with you

手表 (shǒu biǎo) Example Sentence

我买了一块新的手表I bought a new watch

手机 (shǒu jī) Example Sentences

我新买的手机不贵My newly bought phone was not expensive
这个手机比那个好This phone is better than that one

说话 (shuō huà) Example Sentence

我很喜欢听我的老师说话I really like listening to what my teacher says

送 (sòng) Example Sentence

我送你到机场I drive/escort you to the airport

虽然 x 但是 y (suī​ rán x dàn​ shì y) Example Sentence

虽然今天天气很好,但是我们还是要在家里好好学习Even though the weather is really good today, we still have to stay at home and study

它 (tā) Example Sentence

这是你的狗吗?它很漂亮。Is this your dog? It is very beautiful

题 (tí) Example Sentence

今天的题很有意思Today's questions are very interesting

踢足球 (tī zú qiú) Example Sentence

我明天去踢足球I am going to play football tomorrow

跳舞 (tiào wǔ) Example Sentence

我们去跳舞吧Let's go dancing!

外 (wài) Example Sentence

我在外面I am outside

完 (wán) Example Sentences

我做完了I am finished
我游完了,去吃饭吧I am done with swimming, let's get something to eat

玩 (wán) Example Sentences

星期五晚上我们出去玩吧Let's go out on Friday night
我们的孩子在玩水Our kids are having fun in the water

晚上 (wǎn shang) Example Sentence

你晚上想去看电影吗?Do you want to go out for a film tonight?

往 (wǎng) Example Sentence

你一直往前走,就到银行了Keep on walking ahead, then you'll get to the bank

为什么 (wèi shén me) Example Sentences

你为什么不喜欢我?Why don't you like me?
他为什么没来?Why didn't he come?

问 (wèn) Example Sentence

你可以问他You can ask him

问题 (wèn tí) Example Sentence

这次考试的问题很好The questions of the test were very good this time

洗 (xǐ) Example Sentence

我每个星期五洗衣服Every Friday I am washing my clothes

西瓜 (xī guā) Example Sentence

那些西瓜非常大Those watermelons are huge

希望 (xī wàng) Example Sentence

我希望明天天气好一点I hope the weather is a little bit better tomorrow

笑 (xiào) Example Sentence

你不要笑我Do not laugh at me

小时 (xiǎo shí) Example Sentence

十个小时10 hours

新 (xīn) Example Sentence

我不喜欢我的衣服,我要买新的I do not like my clothes, I need to by some new pieces

姓 (xìng) Example Sentence

我姓张My surname is Zhang

休息 (xiū xi) Example Sentence

我们休息一下吧We should take a break

雪 (xuě) Example Sentence

明天要下雪Tomorrow it will snow

眼睛 (yǎn jing) Example Sentence

你的眼睛很漂亮Your eyes are beautiful

颜色 (yán sè) Example Sentence

这件衣服的颜色很漂亮This clothes' colour is beautiful

羊肉 (yáng ròu) Example Sentence

很多中国人喜欢吃羊肉Many Chinese like eating mutton

药 (yào) Example Sentence

你吃点药吧Take some medicine

要 (yào) Example Sentences

我要这个I want this
我要这个菜I want this dish
我要买一本书I will/want to buy a book
我要来了I will be coming

也 (yě) Example Sentences

她很漂亮,你也是She is very beautiful, you are as well
我明天也去北京I am also going to Beijing tomorrow

已经 (yǐ jīng) Example Sentence

我已经买了一本书I have already bought a book

一起 (yì qǐ) Example Sentences

我们一起去了饭馆吃饭We went to the restaurant together to eat
我们喜欢一起看电影We like watching movies together

意思 (yì si) Example Sentence

这个是什么意思?What does that mean?

一下 (yī ​xià) Example Sentence

你等我一下Wait for me

阴 (yīn) Example Sentence

星期三,阴雨天气 Wednesday, cloudy and rainy weather

因为 x 所以 y (yīn ​wèi x suǒ​ yǐ y) Example Sentence

因为下雨,所以我们今天去看电影Because it rains we go to the cinema today

右边 (yòu bian) Example Sentence

在右边有一家很大的商店There is a big shop on the right

游泳 (yóu yǒng) Example Sentence

很多中国人不会游泳A lot of Chinese are not able to swim

鱼 (yú) Example Sentence

在中国人们喜欢吃大的鱼In China people like eating big fish

远 (yuǎn) Example Sentence

从这里到那里多远How far is it from here to there

运动 (yùn dòng) Example Sentence

我和我的朋友每天都做运动My friend and I are doing some sport every day

再 (zài) Example Sentences

这次看的电影很好看,我明天再看一次The film (I/we) watched this time was great, I am going to watch it again tomorrow

早上 (zǎo shang) Example Sentence

你早上什么时候起床?When are you getting up in the morning?

丈夫 (zhàng fu) Example Sentence

她的丈夫很有钱Her husband is very rich

找 (zhǎo) Example Sentence

我在找我的手机,但是找不到I am looking for my phone, but I cannot find it

着 (zhe) Example Sentences

他看着电视He is watching TV
我们坐着说话We sit down and talk

真 (zhēn) Example Sentence

你真的很漂亮You are really very beautiful

正在 (zhèng zài) Example Sentence

他正在看电视He is watching TV

知道 (zhī dào) Example Sentence

我爱你,但是我知道你不喜欢我I love you, but I know that you do not like me

准备 (zhǔn bèi) Example Sentences

我们准备走了We are getting ready to go
你们准备好了吗?Are you ready?

走 (zǒu) Example Sentence

今天天气很好,我们出去走一走吧The weather today is great, we should go out and walk a little bit

最 (zuì) Example Sentences

这个电脑最好This computer is the best
这个电脑是最好的This computer is best
最好的是这个This one is best
你最好喝点水It is best for you to drink some water

左边 (zuǒ bian) Example Sentence

在学校的左边有个小饭馆There is a small restaurant on the right side of the school

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

This vocabulary guide contains all 11,092 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 7-9. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2021 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.
HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

This vocabulary guide contains all 5000 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 6. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2012 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.

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