HSK 1 Example Sentences (HSK 2.0)

Example sentences for all 150 HSK 1 vocabulary – learn how to use each of the HSK 1 words in a sentence.
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爱 (ài)


八 (bā)   爸爸 (bà ba)   北京 (Běi jīng)   杯子 (bēi zi)   本 (běn)   不 (bù)   不客气 (bú kè qi)


菜 (cài)   茶 (chá)   吃 (chī)   出租车 (chū zū chē)


大 (dà)   打电话 (dǎ diàn huà)   的 (de)   点 (diǎn)   电脑 (diàn nǎo)   电视 (diàn shì)   电影 (diàn yǐng)   东西 (dōng xi)   都 (dōu)   读 (dú)   对不起 (duì bu qǐ)   多 (duō)   多少 (duō shao)


二 (èr)   儿子 (ér zi)


饭店 (fàn diàn)   飞机 (fēi jī)   分钟 (fēn zhōng)


高兴 (gāo xìng)   个 (gè)   工作 (gōng zuò)   狗 (gǒu)


汉语 (hàn yǔ)   号 (hào)   好 (hǎo)   和 (hé)   喝 (hē)   很 (hěn)   后面 (hòu miàn)   回 (huí)   会 (huì)


几 (jǐ)   家 (jiā)   叫 (jiào)   今天 (jīn tiān)   九 (jiǔ)


开 (kāi)   看 (kàn)   看见 (kàn jiàn)   块 (kuài)


来 (lái)   老师 (lǎo shī)   了 (le)   冷 (lěng)   里 (lǐ)   六 (liù)


吗 (ma)   妈妈 (mā ma)   买 (mǎi)   猫 (māo)   没关系 (méi guān xi)   没有 (méi yǒu)   米饭 (mǐ fàn)   明天 (míng tiān)   名字 (míng zi)


那 (nà)   哪 (nǎ)   哪儿 (nǎr)   呢 (ne)   能 (néng)   你 (nǐ)   年 (nián)   女儿 (nǚ ér)


朋友 (péng you)   漂亮 (piào liang)   苹果 (píng guǒ)


七 (qī)   钱 (qián)   前面 (qián miàn)   请 (qǐng)   去 (qù)


热 (rè)   人 (rén)   认识 (rèn shi)


三 (sān)   上 (shàng)   商店 (shāng diàn)   上午 (shàng wǔ)   少 (shǎo)   谁 (shéi)   什么 (shén me)   十 (shí)   是 (shì)   时候 (shí hou)   书 (shū)   水 (shuǐ)   水果 (shuǐ guǒ)   睡觉 (shuì jiào)   说 (shuō)   四 (sì)   岁 (suì)


他 (tā)   她 (tā)   太 (tài)   天气 (tiān qì)   听 (tīng)   同学 (tóng xué)


喂 (wéi)   我 (wǒ)   我们 (wǒ men)   五 (wǔ)


喜欢 (xǐ huan)   下 (xià)   下午 (xià wǔ)   下雨 (xià yǔ)   先生 (xiān sheng)   现在 (xiàn zài)   想 (xiǎng)   小 (xiǎo)   小姐 (xiǎo jiě)   写 (xiě)   些 (xiē)   谢谢 (xiè xie)   星期 (xīng qī)   学生 (xué sheng)   学习 (xué xí)   学校 (xué xiào)


一 (yī)   一点儿 (yī diǎnr)   衣服 (yī fu)   医生 (yī shēng)   医院 (yī yuàn)   椅子 (yǐ zi)   有 (yǒu)   月 (yuè)


在 (zài)   再见 (zài jiàn)   怎么 (zěn me)   怎么样 (zěn me yàng)   这 (zhè)   中国 (Zhōng guó)   中午 (zhōng wǔ)   住 (zhù)   桌子 (zhuō zi)   字 (zì)   做 (zuò)   坐 (zuò)   昨天 (zuó tiān)

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爱 (ài) Example Sentences

我爱你I love you
你爱我You love me
他爱她He loves her

八 (bā) Example Sentences


爸爸 (bà ba) Example Sentences

这是我爸爸This is my dad
爸爸在哪儿?Where is dad?

北京 (Běi jīng) Example Sentence

我住在北京I live in Beijing

杯子 (bēi zi) Example Sentences

我要一杯茶I want one cup of tea
我杯子里的茶很好喝The tea in my cup is delicious

本 (běn) Example Sentences

你喜欢这本书吗?Do you like this book?
我喜欢这本书I like this book

不 (bù) Example Sentences

我不喜欢你I don't like you
我不买这个I don't buy this
她不漂亮She is not pretty

不客气 (bú kè qi) Example Sentences

不客气You're welcome

菜 (cài) Example Sentences

小姐,点菜Miss, we want to order
这个菜很好吃This dish is delicious
这个菜多少钱?How much is this dish?

茶 (chá) Example Sentence

中国人很喜欢喝茶Chinese people really like drinking tea

吃 (chī) Example Sentence

我很喜欢吃东西I really like eating

出租车 (chū zū chē) Example Sentence

我是坐出租车去医院的I took a taxi to the hospital

大 (dà) Example Sentence

我买的衣服太大了The clothes I bought are too big

打电话 (dǎ diàn huà) Example Sentence

我在打电话I'm calling somebody

的 (de) Example Sentence

这是我的This is mine

点 (diǎn) Example Sentence

你几点来?When do you come (at what time)?

电脑 (diàn nǎo) Example Sentence

我朋友的电脑很好My friend's computer is really good

电视 (diàn shì) Example Sentence

我爸爸在看电视My dad is watching TV

电影 (diàn yǐng) Example Sentences

我和我的朋友们今天去看电影I and my friends are going to watch a film today
你今天想去看电影吗?Do you want to go watch a film today?

东西 (dōng xi) Example Sentences

她很喜欢去买东西She likes to go shopping
我买了很多东西I bought a lot of things

都 (dōu) Example Sentence

我们都喜欢她All of us like her

读 (dú) Example Sentences

我在北京大学读书I'm studying at Beijing university
我在读书I'm reading/I'm studying
我在看书I'm reading a book

对不起 (duì bu qǐ) Example Sentence

对不起,你是谁?I'm sorry, who are you?

多 (duō) Example Sentences

我买了很多I bought a lot
我买了不多I didn't buy too many (but more than a few)

多少 (duō shao) Example Sentences

这本书多少钱?How much is this book?
你买了多少?How many/much did you buy?

二 (èr) Example Sentences


儿子 (ér zi) Example Sentence

这是我儿子This is my son

饭店 (fàn diàn) Example Sentence

这饭店的菜很好吃The food in this restaurant is great

飞机 (fēi jī) Example Sentence

我坐飞机回家I'm going home by plane

分钟 (fēn zhōng) Example Sentences

30分钟30 minutes
48分钟48 minutes
现在2点5分It's 2:05

高兴 (gāo xìng) Example Sentences

我很高兴I am very happy/excited
她爱我,我很高兴She loves me, I am very happy

个 (gè) Example Sentence

这个很好This is great

工作 (gōng zuò) Example Sentence

你的工作是什么?What's your job?

狗 (gǒu) Example Sentence

你的狗很漂亮Your dog is gorgeous

汉语 (hàn yǔ) Example Sentences

我很喜欢学习汉语I really like studying Chinese
我很喜欢学汉语I really like studying Chinese

号 (hào) Example Sentence

你2月15号有时间吗?Do you have time on the 15th of February?

好 (hǎo) Example Sentences

这是我很好的朋友This is my very good friend
这是我的好朋友This is my good friend
这是我好朋友This is my good friend
她好漂亮She is very beautiful
我好高兴I am very happy

和 (hé) Example Sentence

你和她我都喜欢I like both of you (you and her)

喝 (hē) Example Sentence

我很喜欢喝东西I like drinking things

很 (hěn) Example Sentence

我很喜欢他I like him a lot

后面 (hòu miàn) Example Sentence

在医院的后面有个我很喜欢的小店At the back of the hospital is a small shop I really like

回 (huí) Example Sentences

我想回家I want to go home
我明天回家I'll go home tomorrow

会 (huì) Example Sentences

我会做饭I can cook
我不会做饭I can't cook

几 (jǐ) Example Sentences

你买了几本书?How many books did you buy?
我买了几本书I bought several books

家 (jiā) Example Sentences

你家有几个人?How man people are there in your family?
我的家有三个人,爸爸,妈妈和我There are 3 people in my family, my dad, my mum and me
这个家有四个人,爸爸,妈妈,儿子和女儿This family consists of 4 people, dad, mum, son and daughter

叫 (jiào) Example Sentences

我叫...My name is …
你好,我叫...Hello, my name is ...

今天 (jīn tiān) Example Sentences

我今天去I'll go today
我今天去了I went today

九 (jiǔ) Example Sentences


开 (kāi) Example Sentences

你要一杯水吗?Do you want a cup of water?
我要一杯开水I want a cup of drinking water

看 (kàn) Example Sentence

我在看你I'm looking at you

看见 (kàn jiàn) Example Sentences

我在这儿,你能看见我吗?I'm here, can you see me?
我看见你了I spotted you!

块 (kuài) Example Sentences

我要一块I want one piece
这本书34块This book costs 34 RMB

来 (lái) Example Sentences

你来我这儿Come to me
你来吗?Are you coming?
我来了I'm here/I arrived

老师 (lǎo shī) Example Sentence

我们的汉语老师很好Our Mandarin teacher is great

了 (le) Example Sentence

我好了I'm fine (now)

冷 (lěng) Example Sentence

这里的天气很冷It's quite cold here

里 (lǐ) Example Sentences

这里的天气很好The weather here is very good
那里的天气很好The weather there is very good

六 (liù) Example Sentences


吗 (ma) Example Sentences

你喜欢买衣服You like buying clothes
你喜欢买衣服吗?Do you like buying clothes?
你爱她吗?Do you love her?

妈妈 (mā ma) Example Sentence

这是我妈妈This is my mum

买 (mǎi) Example Sentences

我买了衣服I bought clothes
我买衣服了I bought clothes
我买的衣服都很漂亮The clothes I bought look great

猫 (māo) Example Sentence

中国人都喜欢吃猫和狗吗?Do all Chinese like eating cats and dogs?

没关系 (méi guān xi) Example Sentences

对不起,我不认识你Sorry, I don't know you
没关系,我叫Mike,我是你朋友的朋友Doesn't matter, I'm Mike, I'm your friend's friend

没有 (méi yǒu) Example Sentences

我没有衣服I don't have clothes
我没有衣服了I ran out of clothes

米饭 (mǐ fàn) Example Sentence

我要一个米饭I want a bowl of rice

明天 (míng tiān) Example Sentence

我明天去I'll go tomorrow

名字 (míng zi) Example Sentence

你叫什么名字?What's your name?

那 (nà) Example Sentence

我很喜欢那个I like that a lot

哪 (nǎ) Example Sentences

我喜欢这本书I like this book
你喜欢哪本书Which book do you like?
这本书This book
他喜欢这些书He likes those books
他喜欢哪些书Which books does he like?
这些书Those books

哪儿 (nǎr) Example Sentence

你在哪儿?Where are you?

呢 (ne) Example Sentences

你喜欢买衣服吗?Do you like buying clothes?
我很喜欢,你呢?I like it a lot; what about you?
我不太喜欢I don't like it that much

能 (néng) Example Sentence

我不能做饭I'm not able to cook (today/now)

你 (nǐ) Example Sentence

你喜欢买衣服吗?Do you like buying clothes?

年 (nián) Example Sentences

2012年8月3日August 3rd, 2012
1978年3月23日March 23rd, 1978
2012年8月3日上午10点10分August 3rd, 2012 10:10 a.m.
一年1 year
四年4 years

女儿 (nǚ ér) Example Sentence

你的女儿很漂亮Your daughter is very beautiful

朋友 (péng you) Example Sentence

这是我的朋友This is my friend

漂亮 (piào liang) Example Sentences

她很漂亮She is very pretty
你们都很漂亮You're all looking great
她很漂亮,我很喜欢她She is really pretty, I like her a lot

苹果 (píng guǒ) Example Sentences

我很喜欢吃苹果I really like eating apples
这个苹果很好吃This apple is really good

七 (qī) Example Sentences


钱 (qián) Example Sentences

我有钱I have money/I am rich
我没有钱I don't have money/I am poor

前面 (qián miàn) Example Sentence

在医院的前面有个很小的商店There's a small shop in front of the hospital

请 (qǐng) Example Sentences

我请你吃饭I invite you for lunch/dinner
我来请I pay

去 (qù) Example Sentences

我去你那儿I'm coming to you
你去哪儿?Where are you going?
我去北京I go to Beijing
我去买衣服I go shopping for clothes

热 (rè) Example Sentence

这里的天气很热It's quite hot here

人 (rén) Example Sentences

这个人很好This person is very nice
这些人很好Those people are very nice
这个人是我的朋友This person is my friend
那个人很漂亮That person is very beautiful

认识 (rèn shi) Example Sentence

对不起,我不认识他Sorry, I don't know him

三 (sān) Example Sentences

三本书3 books

上 (shàng) Example Sentences

我上去I'm coming up
你上来吗?Are you coming up?

商店 (shāng diàn) Example Sentence

这个商店很大This shop is quite big

上午 (shàng wǔ) Example Sentence

上午9点15分9:15 a.m.

少 (shǎo) Example Sentences

我买了很少I bought just a few
我买了不少I bought quite a few

谁 (shéi) Example Sentences

我爱你I love you
我爱谁?Who do I love?
我爱你I love you
谁爱你?Who loves you?

什么 (shén me) Example Sentences

你喜欢买衣服You like buying clothes
你喜欢什么?What do you like?
买衣服Buying clothes

十 (shí) Example Sentence

我有十个朋友I have 10 friends

是 (shì) Example Sentence

这是我This is me

时候 (shí hou) Example Sentences

你什么时候来?When do you come?

书 (shū) Example Sentence

你喜欢什么书?Which kind of books do you like?

水 (shuǐ) Example Sentence

我要一杯水I want a glass of water

水果 (shuǐ guǒ) Example Sentence

你喜欢什么水果?Which fruits do you like?

睡觉 (shuì jiào) Example Sentence

我去睡觉I go to bed

说 (shuō) Example Sentences

你说什么?What did you say?
我说你很漂亮I said you are very beautiful

四 (sì) Example Sentences

四个人4 people

岁 (suì) Example Sentences

你几岁?How old are you?
你多大?How old are you?
我24岁I'm 24 years old
他今年55岁He's 55 years old this year

他 (tā) Example Sentence

他爱她He loves her

她 (tā) Example Sentence

他爱她He loves her

太 (tài) Example Sentence


天气 (tiān qì) Example Sentence

天气很好The weather is great

听 (tīng) Example Sentence

你好好听你爸的话Listen to your dad

同学 (tóng xué) Example Sentence

我的同学都很喜欢我My classmates do all like me a lot

喂 (wéi) Example Sentence

喂,你好Hello (when answering the phone)

我 (wǒ) Example Sentence

我喜欢你I like you

我们 (wǒ men) Example Sentence

我们都喜欢她All of us like her

五 (wǔ) Example Sentences


喜欢 (xǐ huan) Example Sentences

我喜欢你I like you
你喜欢我You like me

下 (xià) Example Sentences

你下来吗?Are you coming down?
我下去I'm coming down

下午 (xià wǔ) Example Sentence

下午3点35分3:35 p.m.

下雨 (xià yǔ) Example Sentences

你今天想去看电影吗?Do you want to go watch a film today?
今天下雨了,我不想去It's raining today, I don't really want to go
明天会下雨It might be raining tomorrow

先生 (xiān sheng) Example Sentence

钱先生,你好Hello Mr. Qian

现在 (xiàn zài) Example Sentence

现在几点?What's the time?

想 (xiǎng) Example Sentences

我很想你I miss you
我很想我的家I miss my family/I miss home
我在想I'm thinking
我在想我要吃什么I'm thinking what I should eat
你想一想Think about it
我想吃东西I want to eat something

小 (xiǎo) Example Sentence

我买的衣服太小了The clothes I bought are too small

小姐 (xiǎo jiě) Example Sentences

小姐,你好Hello, Miss!
她是个小姐She's a prostitute

写 (xiě) Example Sentence

老师在写汉字The teacher is writing characters

些 (xiē) Example Sentences

我很喜欢这些I really like these
我很喜欢那些I like those

谢谢 (xiè xie) Example Sentence

谢谢你Thank you!

星期 (xīng qī) Example Sentences

今天星期六Today is Saturday (informal)
今日星期六Today is Saturday (formal)
明天星期天Tomorrow is Sunday (informal)
明日星期日Tomorrow is Sunday (formal)
一个星期1 week
四个星期4 weeks

学生 (xué sheng) Example Sentence

我是很好的学生I'm a good student

学习 (xué xí) Example Sentences

我在北京大学学习I'm studying at Beijing university
我在学习I'm studying

学校 (xué xiào) Example Sentence

这是我的学校This is my school

一 (yī) Example Sentences

一个朋友a friend

一点儿 (yī diǎnr) Example Sentence

这里有点儿冷It's a little bit cold here

衣服 (yī fu) Example Sentence

这些衣服很漂亮Those clothes look great

医生 (yī shēng) Example Sentence

我是医生I'm a doctor

医院 (yī yuàn) Example Sentence

我在医院工作I work at the hospital

椅子 (yǐ zi) Example Sentence

这个椅子太小了This seat is too small

有 (yǒu) Example Sentence

我有衣服I have clothes

月 (yuè) Example Sentences

一个月1 month
四个月4 months

在 (zài) Example Sentences

在那儿天气怎么样?How's the weather there?
在这里天气很好The weather here is quite good

再见 (zài jiàn) Example Sentences

明天见See you tomorrow
再见See you

怎么 (zěn me) Example Sentences

这本书怎么买?How can you buy this book?
你怎么了?How are you? What's wrong?

怎么样 (zěn me yàng) Example Sentences

这本书怎么样?How's that book? Do you like this book?
你怎么样?How are you?

这 (zhè) Example Sentence

我很喜欢这个I really like this

中国 (Zhōng guó) Example Sentence

我住在中国I live in China

中午 (zhōng wǔ) Example Sentence

中午11点50分11:50 a.m.

住 (zhù) Example Sentences

你住在哪儿?Where do you live?
你住在哪里?Where do you live?

桌子 (zhuō zi) Example Sentence

桌子上的菜都很好吃The dishes on the table do all taste great

字 (zì) Example Sentence

汉语有很多字Mandarin consists of many characters

做 (zuò) Example Sentence

我喜欢做饭I like cooking

坐 (zuò) Example Sentences

请坐Please take a seat
坐一下Take a seat

昨天 (zuó tiān) Example Sentence

我昨天去了I went yesterday

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

HSK 1-9 Vocabulary Guide [HSK 3.0, 2021]

This vocabulary guide contains all 11,092 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 7-9. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2021 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.
HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

HSK 1-6 Full Vocabulary Guide [HSK 2.0, 2012]

This vocabulary guide contains all 5000 HSK vocabularies grouped by level starting from HSK 1 and finishing with HSK 6. The vocabularies are based on the changes from 2012 and all come with Pinyin and English translation.

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